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Atlapetes, Sept. 29, 1962, II. 

The PR's are the birds that utter the "wren-like" song mentioned in today's notes on Diglossini. Rapid & powerful twittering or warbling. Usually begins "Seeee seee...." After this, its structure is difficult to distinguish, but does include "Ta-seeee"s or Ta-sreeeeeee"s. The whole thing sounds very much like a speeded up version of the songs of such Atlapetes sp. as the chestnut-cap and the WM. Almost certainly also contains more notes than the songs of the latter.
This afternoon, at a lower, elevation on the road to Guarca, I came across another pair of Atlapetes which were almost certainly PR's. In uncovered shrubbery, 5:45 p.m. These birds appeared to have buffy fronts to their crown stripes, and their upper bodies (but not their facial marks) appeared to be medium gray (rather than black) or even olive-gray. Was this apparent difference due to different light????
These birds uttered "Seeeeet" and "See-seeet" notes while moving about, apparently undisturbed,, and "Tuck"s when obviously disturbed about me.
As far as I could tell, they were not accompanied by inds. of any other species.

Atlapetes, I 
September 30, 1962
Paraimo Guasca 

Working in place slightly above yesterday's. Possibly slightly wetter. More trees. In any case, it is raining this morning. 
Near both PL and PR Atlapetes around 6:06 a.m. Can't see