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April 27 II

[[in margin, doodle]] Ring bill has usual landing call [[image - pen lines to depict landing call]]

[[in margin, doodle]] Many signs of usual pairing (aerial behavior). MC - one or both fly off - return or land in new spot - MC - etc.  No choking, between 1:32.

[[in margin, doodle]] Has usual FB Cry, ♂ feeding call. Normal "Mew Call" posture.

Looks noticeably lug-headed in flight

[[in margin, 2 drawn squares]][[squiggly underline]] OLT⁵ [[/squiggly underline]].V⁵.V⁶.V⁷. ♂ visited by two different ♀'s in a row. Each time MC of V-(slight side to side) HF 
[[squiggly underline]] OLT [[/squiggly underline]] [[underline]] OLT before² attack [[/underline]] U⁸ [[underline]] Bird in V attacked V after⁴ attack 
V after being² attacked 
[[/underline]] V⁹ [[strikethrough]] [[squiggly underline]] OT [[/squiggly underline]] OT² [[squiggly underline]] O [[strikethrough]] T OT [[/squiggly underline]] OLT⁶, U¹¹, [[squiggly underline]] OLT⁷, OT [[/squiggly underline]].

[[in margin, doodle]] Mutual FB must be just like [[strikethrough]] Herring  Gull? ♀ FB from either  hunched or V, ♂ usually in U. Haven't seen HB, or real examples of raising or lowering the neck before mounting. 2:10 

[[in margin, drawn square]]
Leaving 2:20.