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April 11, 1955

Clear Cool, Slight wind 6:25 am.

Watching lake, still almost completely frozen. Occas. patch surface water. 

[[vertical squiggle line, plus a check mark and number 1. halfway down the following paragraph, all in left margin ]]
2 Ring-bills present 20 yds apart. Paying no attention to one another. Then both fly up. [[female symbol]] lands first. Does LCN (slight trace O) & U & HF as [[male symbol]] flies near. [[male symbol]] lands. Mutual U-HF-HF-U. [[male symbol]] flies off. Doesn't return for some time. 

[[male symbol]] ? back [[female symbol]] does LCN as he flies overhead, lands some distance away. Both relax.  

[[vertical squiggle line, plus 3 check marks and the numbers 2.,3.,4.  halfway down the following paragraph, all in left margin ]]

5:35 p.m. Series of MC's between loosely mated pair (absolutely no sign of T or FB)  Mutual U-HF. Mutual U-HF  Mutual U-HF

[[Squiggly vertical line in left margin of following paragraph]]
Birds feeding. One flies to one spot, lands, joined by "mate." One flies off (either [[male symbol]] or [[female symbol]] ), lands, joined by "mate." Etc. Etc. Hardly even semi-territorial, but still reminiscent of Lettle Gull before occupation of colony area.

April 12, 1955

Oxbow lake near dump. Cold. Windy (N). Overcast. Around 12:00, noon

[[check mark and number 5. in left margin of next paragraph]]
 MC [[male symbol]] O-HD-OT[[pencil checkmark above O, HD, OT]]-U-HF-U [[female symbol]] HD-U-HF-U [[gray pencil checkmark above HD, U, HF,U]][[/underline]].

[[circle around number 6]] OT. O-HD-OT [[ a red and gray pencil checkmark above OT and HD; gray pencil checkmark above O and OT]] PG before[[gray pencil checkmark over "before"]] attack T after [[gray pencil checkmark over "after"]] attack. O. [[red and gray pencil checkmarks over "O"]] [[underline]] U before [[gray pencil checkmark over "before"]] attack- bird in HD [[red and gray pencil checkmarks over "HD"]] attacked. HD-OT PG. U-HU-U before escape. [[gray pencil checkmarks over HD, OT PG U HF U and a red pencil checkmark over the dash between HD and OT]]

[[hatched area and an ! in left margin]]
Bird giving M as it lands in midst of communal area. No sex or pre-sex afterwards.