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Ring-bill May 5, 1955

[[superscript numbers & pencil ticks ✓  are written above observations. (ʳ**) = an additional tick & number in red pencil]]

[[underline]] V⁴⁵✓ after attack [[/underline]] HD⁸⁹-HD⁹⁰(ʳ²⁴)-TT⁶⁴.TT⁶⁵(ʳ²)-OG³².HD⁹¹(ʳ²⁵)-TT⁶⁶ TT⁶⁷(ʳ⁴x)-[[underline]] P✓³¹ before attack [[/underline]] -V⁷⁹x- [[underline]] P✓³² before attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]]V✓⁴⁶ after attack [[/underline]] OS⁶⁶(ʳ²)- OG³³. [[underline]] V✓⁴⁷ after attack [[/underline]] V⁸⁰. 5:15.

[[in margin, four short vertical bars & cross hatch doodle]] Definite linkage between OG (with M?), Ch, and T, in paired birds. 

[[in margin, pen circular symbol]] ¹¹✓ [[pen circular symbol]] HD⁹²(ʳ²⁴)-TT⁶⁸. [[underline]] V✓⁴⁸ after attack [[/underline]] V⁸¹. HD⁹³(ʳ²⁷)-TT⁶⁹-[[underline]] P✓³³ before attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]]P✓² after attack [[/underline]] [[underline]] HD✓⁸(ʳ⁶)-TT⁷⁰ after attack [[/underline]] V⁸²x²⁴-[[underline]] P✓³⁴ before attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] V✓¹⁹ after attack [[/underline]].

[[in margin, three vertical bars & cross hatch doodle]] Common M or LC-M sound in most OG's is "Waaaaaah-Waaaaaaaah Waaaah...." Extreme (?) M is "Ooooaaah-ooooooaaaaaaah oooaaaaaah".

[[in margin, pen circular symbol]] ¹²✓ [[in margin, pencil cross]]³ [[pen circular symbol]] 
[[underline]] HD✓¹(ʳ¹) before attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] TT✓³(ʳ³) after attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] V✓¹⁴ after being attacked [[/underline]]-[[underline]]V✓¹⁷ during retreat [[/underline]] [[underline]] V✓⁹ before attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] V✓⁵⁰ after attack [[/underline]] HD⁹⁴TT⁷¹(ʳ²⁸)-HD⁹⁵TT⁷²-HD⁹⁶TT⁷³(ʳ²⁹) TT⁷⁴(ʳ⁵) V⁸³
OS⁶⁷-OS⁶⁸(ʳ³)-OG³⁴. V⁸⁴-OS⁶⁹(ʳ²⁰). V⁸⁵.V⁸⁶. HD⁹⁷(ʳ³⁰)-TT⁷⁵. OS⁷⁰(ʳ⁴)-OG³⁵. [[underline]] V✓²⁰ before attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] V✓⁵¹ after attack [[/underline]] Ch⁷. V⁸⁷. [[underline]] V✓¹⁸ during retreat [[/underline]] OG³⁶(ʳ²⁰)-V⁸⁸-OG³⁷-V⁸⁹ HD⁹⁸(ʳ³¹)-TT⁷⁶-V⁷⁰. HD⁹⁹(ʳ³²)-TT⁷⁷ HD¹⁰⁰(ʳ³³)-TT⁷⁸.OS⁷¹(ʳ²¹). HD¹⁰¹(ʳ³⁴)-TT⁷⁹ HD¹⁰²(ʳ³⁵)-TT⁸⁰.TT⁸¹(ʳ⁶).OG³⁸(ʳ²¹). [[underline]] V✓¹⁵ after being attacked [[underline]] OG³⁹(ʳ³)-TT⁸². O⁷²-HD¹⁰³(ʳ¹⁷)-TT⁸³ OG⁴⁴(ʳ²)-HD¹⁰⁹-OG⁴¹. 
HD¹⁰⁵(ʳ³⁶)-TT⁸⁴ V⁹¹ [[underline]] P✓³⁵ before attack [[/underline]] - [[underline]] HD✓⁹(ʳ⁷)-TT⁸⁵ after attack. [[/underline]] [[underline]] V✓²¹ before attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] V✓⁵² after attack [[/underline]]-HD¹⁰⁶(ʳ³⁷)-TT⁸⁶ [[underline]] V✓²² before attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] bird✓⁶ in V⁷² attacked [[/underline]]-[[underline]] V✓⁵³ after attack [[/underline]]-
[[in margin, pencil cross]]⁴ 
[[underline]] V✓¹⁶ after being attacked [[/underline]] [[underline]] V✓²³ before attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] V✓⁵⁴ after attack [[/underline]] [[underline]] OG✓ʳ✓³ before attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] V✓⁵⁵ after attack [[/underline]]-HD¹⁰⁷(ʳ³⁸)-TT⁸⁷. HD¹⁰⁸(ʳ³⁹)-TT⁸⁸. O⁷³-HD¹⁰⁹(ʳ¹⁸)-TT⁸⁹. OG²² O⁷⁴-HD¹¹⁰-OG⁴³ 
[[in margin, cross hatch doodle]]
OG⁴⁴(ʳ⁴)-HD¹¹¹-Ch⁸-TT⁹⁰ [[underline]] V✓²⁴ before attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] V✓⁵⁶ after attack [[/underline]] TT⁹¹(ʳ⁷) [[underline]] V✓⁵⁷ after attack [[/underline]] [[underline]] HD✓¹⁰(ʳ⁸)-TT⁹² after attack [[/underline]]  [[underline]] V✓²⁵ before attack [[/underline]] [[underline]] V✓²⁶ before attack [[/underline]] OS⁷⁵-OS⁷⁶-OS⁷⁷-OS⁷⁸

[[in margin, three vertical bars & cross hatch doodle]] [[So?]] HD intention mou. of Ch? See instance in above paragraph. 5:50 p.m.

[[in margin, pen circular symbol]] ¹³✓  [[pen circular symbol]] V⁹³.V⁹⁴.P¹⁹. OG⁴⁵-HD¹¹²(ʳ⁵)-TT⁹³-OG⁴⁶. V⁹⁵-OS⁷⁹(ʳ²³). HD¹¹³(ʳ⁴²)-TT⁹⁴. V⁹⁶xx²⁵-[[underline]] P✓³⁶ before attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] HD✓¹¹(ʳ⁹)-TT⁹⁵ after attack [[/underline]] [[underline]] HD✓³-(ʳ³)TT⁹⁶ after being attacked [[/underline]]. OG⁴⁷(ʳ²³). V⁹⁷-HF². OS⁸⁰(ʳ²⁴)-OS⁸¹. HD¹¹⁴(ʳ⁴¹)-TT⁹⁷. HD¹¹⁵(ʳ⁴²)-TT⁹⁸.V⁹⁸. [[underline]] V✓⁵⁸ after attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] V✓³⁷ before attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] V✓⁵⁹ after attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] V✓¹⁷ after being attacked [[/underline]] V⁹⁹.TT⁹⁹(ʳ⁸).TT¹⁰⁰(ʳ⁹). HD¹¹⁶-TT¹⁰¹. [[underline]] V✓²⁷ before attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] V✓³ between attacks [[/underline]]-[[underline]] V✓⁶⁰ after attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] P✓³⁷ before attack [[/underline]]-[[underline]] V✓⁶¹ after attack [[/underline]]-HD¹¹⁷(ʳ⁴⁴)-TT¹⁰²-[[underline]] HD✓ after being attacked [[/underline]]-[[underline]] bird in HD✓ attacked [[/underline]]-[[underline]] HD✓⁴ after being attacked [[/underline]]-[[underline]] bird in ↓HD¹⁸(ʳ¹²) attacked [[/underline]]-[[underline]] HD✓⁵(ʳ²) after being attacked [[/underline]]-Ch⁹-Ch¹⁰. OG⁴⁸(ʳ²⁴)OG⁴⁹(ʳ²⁵).OG⁵⁰(ʳ²⁶) HD¹¹⁹-TT¹⁰³(ʳ¹⁹)xx-P³⁰-O⁸⁰ TT¹⁰⁴(ʳ¹⁰)-P²¹-P²² [[underline]] V✓²⁸ before attack [[/underline]]