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Ring-bill  May 8, 1955

May 8, 1955

Arrive Pelican Island 11:00 am. Clear. Very strong south wind. Very cold. Blind overturned, so all the gulls may have been scared away from the neighborhood.

Gulls back 11:10

[[in margin, pen circle]]

[[superscript numbers are in pencil above observations]] 
[[additional red pencil numbering & tick marks shown thus: ⁽✓*⁾]] 

[[circle]] O¹-HD¹⁽✓¹⁾-OG¹ OG²⁽✓²⁾.OG³⁽✓¹⁾. O²-HD²⁽✓¹⁾-TT¹ U¹.U².U³.U⁴.U⁵. T¹-OG⁴-HD³⁽✓¹⁾-TT²-OG⁵-OG⁶ 
[[in margin, pencil cross]] U⁶-HD⁴-HD⁵⁽✓¹⁾-HD⁶ U⁷. OS³⁽✓¹⁾-OS⁴. OG⁷⁽✓³⁾ OS⁵⁽✓²⁾. O⁶-HD⁷⁽✓¹⁾
TT⁽✓¹⁾ before attack - bird in U⁸ attacked - U⁽✓¹⁾ after attack - U⁽✓¹⁾after being attacked  OG⁸⁽✓⁴⁾. O⁷-HD⁷-TT³. HD⁹-HD¹⁰⁽✓²⁾-HD¹¹-HD¹² HD¹³-HD¹⁴⁽✓¹⁾-OS⁸-HD¹⁵. U⁹.U¹⁰. OS⁹⁽✓³⁾.OS¹⁰⁽✓⁴⁾. V¹¹-P⁽✓¹⁾ before attack - bird¹²in U attacked - U⁽✓²⁾ after attack - U⁽✓²⁾after being attacked.  HD¹⁶⁽✓¹⁾-TT⁴ TT⁵. HD¹⁷-HD¹⁸⁽✓³⁾-HD¹⁹-HD²-HD²¹-HD²²OS¹¹⁽✓⁵⁾. OS¹²⁽✓⁶⁾.HD²³⁽✓⁴⁾.OG⁹⁽✓⁵⁾.U¹³.U¹⁴.U¹⁵.U¹⁶.U¹⁷.OS¹³⁽✓⁷⁾.OS¹⁴⁽✓⁸⁾.OS¹⁵⁽✓⁹⁾.OS¹⁶⁽✓ ¹⁰⁾.OS¹⁷⁽✓¹¹⁾.TT⁶⁽✓²⁾.TT⁷⁽✓³⁾. HD⁽✓¹⁾-TT¹⁸ after attack  U⁽✓¹⁾ before attack - U⁽✓³⁾ after attack  U-Px²¹⁸ before attack.  OG¹⁰⁽✓⁶⁾.OG¹¹⁽✓⁷⁾  U⁽✓⁴⁾-HF⁽✓¹⁾  after attack  P⁽✓³⁾ before attack - U⁽✓⁵⁾ after attack - P⁽✓⁴⁾ before attack - U⁽✓⁶⁾ after attack - P⁽✓⁵⁾ before attack - U⁽✓⁷⁾ after attack 

[[hashes in the left margin]]
Moderate and medium U with eyes half closed.  Eye ring prominent.
[[image - drawing of a halfway open gull eye and a quarter open gull eye.]]

[[in margin, pen circle]] [[circle]] LCN¹⁽✓¹⁾-LCN².  U⁽✓²⁾ before attack - U⁽✓⁸⁾ after attack  P¹-P²-P³-P⁴. U¹⁹. TT⁹⁽✓⁴ ⁾.LCN³⁽✓²⁾  U⁽✓³⁾ before attack - U⁽✓⁹⁾ after attack - U³x²⁰-P⁽✓⁶⁾ before attack-U⁽✓¹⁰⁾-HF⁽✓ ²⁾ after attack-U²¹x⁴-P⁽✓⁷⁾ before attack-U⁽✓¹¹⁾ after attack -U²²-OS¹⁸⁽✓¹²⁾-U²³.Ch¹-Ch²-Ch³-Ch⁴-Ch⁵-T²-Ch⁶. Ch⁷-OG¹²- HD²⁴⁽✓²⁾-TT¹⁰-Ch⁸-M-Ch⁹-HD²⁵-TT¹¹.-Ch¹⁰-Ch¹¹. Ch¹².Ch¹³.

[[hashes in the left margin of next paragraph]]
The burst of choking, in the above paragraph, was very clearly as expected.  Two pair disputing.  Both choke; but one pair much more than the other.  At apparent future nest site.  ♀ at one time choking with eyes completely closed.  Half closed at other times.  Choking with bent legs alternating with Choking sitting down on tarsi. ♀ alternated her choking with many T's, apparently orientated with reference to the male (her own male)

Transcription Notes:
Deleted underline notations per new transcription guidelines