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May 8, 1955

[[in margin, pen circle]] 3
[[superscript numbers are in pencil above observations]] 
[[additional red pencil numbering & tick marks shown thus: ⁽✓*⁾]] 
[[pen circle]] OG¹³. OG¹⁴-OS¹⁹⁽✓²⁾ -HD²⁶-TT.¹²  V⁽✓¹⁾ during escape  P⁽✓⁸⁾ before attack  HD⁽✓²⁾-TT²¹³after attack  HD⁽✓³⁾✓¹-TT⁽✓²⁾ between attacks HD⁽✓⁴⁾-TT³̷⁴ after attack HD²⁷-HD²⁸-HD²⁹-HD³⁰-HD³¹-HD³²- HD³³⁽✓⁵ ⁾-HD³⁴-HD³⁵-HD³⁶-HD³⁷-HD³⁸-HD³⁹-HD⁴⁰-HD⁴¹-HD⁴²-HD⁴³-HD⁴⁴-HD⁴⁵-HD⁴⁶-HD⁴⁷-HD⁴⁸-HD⁴⁹-HD⁵⁰-HD⁵¹-HD⁵²-HD⁵³-HD⁵⁴-HD⁵⁵-HD⁵⁶⁽✓⁶⁾-HD⁵⁷-HD⁵⁸-HD⁵⁹-HD⁶⁰-HD⁶¹-HD⁶²-HD⁶³-HD⁶⁴⁽✓⁷⁾-HD⁶⁵-HD⁶⁶-HD⁶⁷-HD⁶⁸-HD⁶⁹-HD⁷⁰-HD⁷¹.  P⁽✓⁹⁾ before attack   V⁽✓²⁾ during retreat - V after retreat.-TT⁵⁽✓⁵⁾.V²⁴.OG¹⁵-HD⁷²-T³. O²⁰⁽✓³⁾-HD⁷³-TT¹⁶. V²⁵ .V²⁶.V²⁷.V²⁸. V²⁹ OS²¹⁽✓³⁾.TT¹⁷⁽✓?⁾. OG¹⁶⁽✓?⁾-M¹.OG¹⁷⁽✓¹⁰⁾. V⁽✓³⁾ during retreat. HD⁷⁴⁽✓⁶⁾.  V⁽✓¹²⁾ after attack -OS²²⁽✓¹⁴⁾ P⁽✓¹⁰⁾ before attack - OS⁽✓¹⁾ after attack V³⁰.V³¹ .OG¹⁸⁽✓¹⁾-HD⁷⁵-TT¹⁸.OS²⁴-HD⁷⁶ T⁴ OS²⁴⁽✓¹⁵⁾-OS²⁵.HD⁷⁷⁽✓⁹⁾.O²⁶-HD⁷⁸⁽✓⁴⁾-TT¹⁹-P⁵ OG¹⁹⁽✓¹¹⁾. T⁵-O²⁷-HD⁷⁹-TT²⁰. HD⁸⁰-HD⁸¹-HD⁸²⁽✓¹⁰⁾ HD⁸³-HD⁸⁴ V³²-OS²⁸⁽✓¹⁶⁾-V³³-HF¹-V³⁴-V³⁵.

Birds rather dull. 12 noon.

[[in margin, pen circle]] 4
[[pen circle]] P⁶-P⁷-P⁸-P⁹-P¹⁰-P¹¹-P¹². V³⁶x⁵-P¹³-V³⁷x¹. O²⁹-HD⁸⁵⁽✓⁶⁾-TT²¹-V³⁵. O³⁰-HD⁸⁶⁽✓⁷⁾-TT²²-V³⁹.
V⁽✓⁴⁾ before attack - Bird✓⁹ in V⁴⁰ attacked - V⁽✓¹³⁾ after attack - V⁽✓³⁾ after being attacked.  V⁽✓⁴⁾ during escape. V⁽✓¹⁴⁾ after attack V⁽✓²⁾ after escape. OG²⁰⁽✓¹²⁾. OS³¹⁽✓¹⁷⁾ V⁽✓¹⁾ between attacks - V⁽✓²⁾ between attacks -V⁽✓³⁾ between attacks P¹⁴ HD⁸⁷⁽✓³⁾-TT²³
V⁴¹.P¹³.OG²⁽✓¹³⁾  V⁽✓⁵⁾ before attack-V⁽✓¹⁵⁾ after attack V⁽✓⁶⁾ before attack V⁽✓¹⁶⁾ after attack V⁽✓⁷⁾ before attack V⁽✓¹⁷⁾ after attack  HD¹⁽✓¹⁾-TT³⁴ after being attacked TT¹⁽✓¹⁾ after attack  V⁽✓¹⁸⁾ after attack V⁴².V⁴³.  V⁽✓⁸⁾ before attack  V⁽✓⁵⁾ before escape HD⁸⁸⁽✓⁴⁾-TT²⁵ TT✓¹⁽✓³⁾ before attack - P⁽✓¹⁾ between attacks- V⁽✓¹⁹⁾ after attacks OG²²⁽✓¹⁴⁾. OG²³⁽✓⁵⁾.OS³²-OS³³⁽✓³⁾-HD⁸⁹-OS³⁴-OS³⁵-HD⁹⁰⁽✓¹¹⁾ HD⁹¹⁽✓⁵⁾-TT²⁶.V⁴⁴. P⁽✓¹¹⁾ before attack - V⁽✓²⁰⁾ after attack OG¹⁽✓¹⁾ after being attacked 

[[in margin, 3 vertical bars & cross hatch doodle]] There seems to be a high-intensity posture, during disputes lasting several minutes, which appears to be unritualized. Like V (aggressive) with short neck, head partly turned away from opponent. Obviously very ambivalent. Doesn't appear to be the highest intensity sort of pattern; but not obviously low-intensity either. 

[[in margin, 3 vertical bars & cross hatch doodle]] Before I forget.....None of the little most intense disputes ("i.e." or "or" the disputes characterized by choking, have been characterized by V's. Does this mean that the V does not extend into the highest intensities? Or does it mean that the A and E [[drives?]] have been very well balanced in the intense disputes I have seen. 

Transcription Notes:
Deleted underline notations per new transcription guidelines