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May 8, 1955

[[in margin, pen circle]] 5
[[superscript numbers are in pencil above observations]] 
[[additional red pencil numbering & tick marks shown thus: ⁽✓*⁾]]
[[pen circle]] LCN⁴⁽¹⁾-OS³⁶.  OS³⁷⁽✓¹⁸⁾.OS³⁸⁽✓⁴⁾-HD⁹² V⁽✓²¹⁾ after attack - V⁽✓⁴⁾ after being attacked  V⁽✓²²⁾ after attack -
 V⁽✓⁵⁾ after being attacked. P⁽✓¹⁷⁾ before attack- P⁽✓²⁾ between attacks P⁽✓³⁾ between attacks - HD⁽✓⁵⁾-TT²⁷ after attack V⁽✓³⁾ after escape.
V⁽✓²³⁾-HF⁽✓³⁾ after attack  HD⁽✓²⁾✓¹ after being attacked -OS³⁹⁽✓¹⁹⁾ HD✓⁵⁽✓⁶⁾-TT²⁸ after attack HD⁹³⁽✓⁶⁾-TT²⁹  V⁽✓² ⁾ after attack  Ch¹-Ch¹-OS⁴¹⁽✓²¹⁾-OS⁴²-OS⁴³-OS⁴⁴-OS⁴⁵-OS⁴⁶-OS⁴⁷-OS⁴⁸-OS⁴⁹-OS⁵⁰-OS⁵¹-Ch¹⁶-V⁴⁵ Ch¹⁷-V⁴⁶-OS⁵²-OS⁵³⁽✓²⁰⁾-OS⁵⁴-V⁴⁷-OS⁵⁵-OS⁵⁶-OS⁵⁷-Ch¹⁸.Ch¹⁹.HD⁹⁴⁽✓⁷⁾-TT³⁰ TT³¹⁽✓⁷⁾.OG²⁴-HD⁹⁵-TT³². OS⁵⁸⁽⁵⁾-HD⁹⁶-OS⁵⁹. V⁴⁸.V⁴⁹. V⁽✓⁶⁾ during retreat  V⁽✓⁷⁾ during retreat P⁽✓¹⁸⁾ before attack - bird in✓³V⁵⁰ attacked V⁽²⁵⁾ after attack - V⁽✓⁶⁾ after being attacked  OG³⁵⁽✓³⁾-HD⁹⁷-TT³³-T⁶. OG²⁶⁽✓⁴⁾-HD⁹⁸-TT V⁵¹-HF². V⁽✓⁴⁾ after escape TT³⁵⁽✓⁸⁾. P⁽✓¹⁹⁾ before attack - V⁽✓²⁶⁾ after attack- V⁽✓⁷⁾-HF⁽✓¹⁾ after being attacked  PAG¹. HD⁹⁹⁽✓⁶⁾-OS⁶⁰.  V⁽✓¹⁷⁾ after attack  OS⁶¹-OS⁶²⁽✓⁸⁾-HD¹⁰⁰-TT³⁶
V⁽✓⁸⁾ after being attacked  HD¹⁰¹⁽✓⁸⁾-TT³⁷ HD¹⁰²⁽✓⁹⁾-TT⁸⁸-V⁵²-HD¹⁰³-TT³⁹-V⁵³ HD¹⁰⁴⁽✓¹⁰⁾-TT⁴⁰-V⁵⁴-HD¹⁰⁵-TT⁴¹-V⁵⁵.M².HD¹⁰⁶-TT⁴².V⁵⁶.V⁵⁷.P¹⁶.
OG²⁷⁽✓⁶⁾.OG²⁸⁽✓⁵⁾-HD¹⁰⁷-TT⁴³ HD¹⁰⁸⁽✓¹²⁾-TT⁴⁴.TT⁴⁵ OS⁶³⁽✓¹⁾-OG²⁷.  P⁽✓²⁰⁾ before attack  HD¹⁰⁹⁽✓¹²⁾.P¹⁷.HD¹¹⁰⁽✓⁷⁾-OS⁶⁴-OS⁶⁵-OS⁶⁶ OS⁶⁷⁽✓²²⁾.OS⁶⁸⁽✓²³⁾. HD¹¹¹⁽✓¹³⁾-TT⁴⁶x²- P⁽✓²¹⁾ before attack OG³⁰⁽✓¹⁷⁾. V⁽✓²⁸⁾ after attack V⁽✓²⁹⁾ after attack P⁽✓²²⁾ before attack HD⁽✓¹⁾-TT⁴⁷after escape OS⁶⁹⁽✓²¹⁾.T⁷-T⁸. HD¹¹²⁽✓¹⁴⁾-TT⁴⁸-P¹⁸-P¹⁹-P²⁰-P²¹-P²² OS⁷⁰⁽✓²³⁾. HD⁽✓⁵⁾-TT⁴⁹ after attack OG¹⁽✓¹⁾ before attack - V⁽✓³⁰⁾ after attack OG³¹⁽✓¹⁸⁾. OG³²⁽✓¹¹⁾. V⁵⁸.OS⁷¹⁽✓²⁶⁾-OS⁷² OS⁷³. 

[[in margin, three vertical bars & cross hatch doodle]] Half-eye closing can occur in almost all, or all, the displays. Apparently due to conflict of drives. Perhaps direct reflection of the strength of the conflict. Not a direct expression of strength or sex drive. Not particularly conspicuous in males uttering the Cop call or in females. Food begging with T's/

[[in margin, cross hatch doodle]] Cop Call often without any tongue-raising 12:52

[[in margin, pen circle]] 6
[[pen circle]] V⁽✓¹⁵⁾ before attack - V⁽✓³¹⁾ after attack V⁵⁹x⁶-P⁽✓²³⁾ before attack - V⁽✓³²⁾-HF⁽✓⁴⁾ after attack OS⁷⁴⁽✓²⁷⁾-OS⁷⁵-OS⁷⁶. OS⁷⁷⁽✓²⁸⁾.HD¹¹³⁽✓¹⁵⁾-TT⁵⁰.HD¹¹⁴⁽✓¹⁶⁾-TT⁵¹. HD¹¹⁵⁽✓¹⁷⁾-TT⁵². V⁶⁰.V⁶¹.V⁶² OG³³⁽✓⁶⁾-HD¹¹⁶⁽✓⁶⁾-TT⁵³-M³.HD¹¹⁷-TT⁵⁴. V⁽✓³³⁾ after attack O⁷⁸⁽✓⁹⁾-HD¹¹⁸-TT⁵⁵. HD¹¹⁹⁽✓¹⁹⁾-TT⁶-HD¹²⁰-TT⁵⁷-Ch²⁰-Ch²¹-Ch²²-HD¹²¹-TT⁵⁸-HD¹²²-TT⁵⁹-Ch²³-HD¹²³-TT⁶⁰. HD¹²⁴-TT⁶¹-HD¹²⁵-HD¹²⁶-TT⁶²-Ch²⁴-T⁹-T¹⁰-T¹¹⁽✓⁷⁾-Ch²⁵-HD¹²⁷-TT⁶³-V⁶³-T¹²-Ch²⁶-OG³⁴-HD¹²⁸-TT⁶⁴-T¹³-T¹⁴-Ch²⁷ OG³⁵⁽✓²⁰⁾-M⁴. OG³⁶⁽✓²¹⁾. HD¹²⁹-TT⁶⁵-HD¹³⁰-TT⁶⁶-HD¹³¹-TT⁶⁷-Ch²⁸-T¹⁵-T¹⁶-T¹⁷-T¹⁸-T¹⁹-Ch²⁹. HD✓⁷⁽✓⁸⁾-TT⁶⁸-P before attack OG³⁷⁽✓²²⁾ OG³⁸⁽✓²³⁾ V⁽✓¹⁶⁾ before attack - bird✓²⁽✓²⁴⁾ in OG²⁹ attacked - V⁽✓³⁴⁾ after attack Ch³¹ Ch³² 
[[in margin, pencil cross]] HD¹³⁶⁽✓⁴⁾-TT⁷³-V⁶⁴-T²⁰ 
T⁽✓¹⁾ after attack  OG⁴⁰-HD¹³⁷-TT⁷⁴- OG⁽✓²⁾ before attack P⁽✓²⁵⁾ before attack 

[[in margin, cross hatch doodle]] P with tongue very conspicuously lifted (almost all of it)

Transcription Notes:
Deleted underline notations per new transcription guidelines