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May 8, 1955

[[down margin, 3"!", 4 vertical bars & cross hatch doodle]] Dispute with much Choking. Very little actual attacking. Much of the unritualized withdrawn posture (W). Between a single bird, possibly incubating, and a pair.  Pairs interspersed a lot of T's with their choking. Their choking appeared to be a redirected hostile  performance associated with such partly sexual behavior. Followed by copulation. Very few V's during this performance. 1:33.

[[in margin, cross hatch doodle]] OG often accompanied by much side-to-side waving of the head and neck. 
[[image - diagram to demonstrate head waving movement]] Extreme waving.

[[in margin, pen circle]] 7
[[superscript numbers are in pencil above observations]] 
[[additional red pencil numbering & tick marks shown thus: ⁽✓*⁾]]
[[pen circle]] TT⁽✓²⁾✓² after attack TT⁽✓¹⁾✓¹ after being attacked HD⁽✓⁷⁾⁸-TT⁷⁵ after attack TT⁷⁶⁽✓¹⁰⁾ HD⁽✓¹⁰⁾⁹-TT⁷⁷ after attack HD⁽✓⁴⁾² after being attacked-OG⁴¹-PAG².V⁶⁵.V⁶⁶.T²²-T²³.
OG²⁽✓²⁵⁾-V⁽✓⁹⁾ before attack bird¹⁰ in V⁶⁷ attacked- V⁽✓³⁵⁾ after attack-[[crossout]]  V⁽✓⁹⁾ after being attacked V⁽✓¹⁰⁾ before attack bird¹¹ in V⁶⁸ attacked- V⁽✓³⁶⁾ after attack V⁽✓¹¹⁾ before attack-V⁽✓³⁷⁾  after attack .M⁵-Ch³³-Ch³⁴ M⁶-Ch³⁵ Ch³⁶ Ch³⁷ M⁷.OS⁷⁹-OS⁸⁰- OG⁸¹-OG⁸²-OG⁸³-OS⁸⁴-OS⁸⁵-OS⁸⁶-OS⁸⁷-OG-OS⁸⁸-OS⁸⁹. P⁽✓¹²⁾ before attack V⁽✓⁸⁾ during retreat OG⁴⁴⁽✓²⁶⁾- V⁽✓¹²⁾ before attack V⁽✓³⁸⁾ after attack -OG⁴⁵⁽✓²¹⁾-P²³-V⁶ V⁽✓³⁾  before attack 
V⁽✓³⁹ after attack-HD¹³⁸-TT⁷⁸ O⁹⁰-HD¹³⁹- TT⁽✓¹⁾ before escape OG⁴⁶⁽✓²⁸⁾.OG⁴⁷-HD¹⁴⁰⁽✓⁸⁾ -TT⁷⁹ HD¹⁴¹⁽✓²⁴⁾-TT⁸⁰⁽✓²⁴⁾ OG⁴⁽✓⁹⁾-HD¹⁴²-TT⁸⁷. HD¹⁴³⁽✓²⁷⁾-TT⁸² V⁽✓⁵⁾ after retreat OS⁹¹-OS⁹²-OS⁹³⁽✓²⁹⁾-OS⁹⁴-OS⁹⁵-OS⁹⁶-OS⁹⁷-OS⁹⁸-OS⁹⁹⁽✓³⁰⁾-OS¹⁰⁰⁽✓³¹⁾-OS¹⁰¹⁽✓³²⁾. V⁷⁰.V⁷¹.V⁷²
V⁽✓¹⁴⁾ before attack -V⁽✓⁴⁰⁾ after attack HD¹⁴⁴⁽✓²⁸⁾-TT⁸³ HD¹⁴⁵⁽✓²⁹⁾-TT⁸⁴ HD¹⁴⁶⁽✓³⁰⁾-TT⁸⁵ HD¹⁴⁷ HD¹⁴⁸ TT⁸⁶-P⁵²-TT⁸⁷ T⁽✓²⁾ after attack OG⁴⁹-HD¹⁴⁹⁽✓¹⁰⁾-TT⁸⁸-OG⁵⁰-Ch³⁸. OG⁵¹⁽✓¹¹⁾-HD¹⁵⁰-TT⁸⁹ HD¹⁵¹⁽✓ ³¹⁾-TT⁹⁰ OS¹⁰². HD¹⁵²⁽✓³²⁾-TT⁹¹ HD¹⁵³⁽✓³³⁾-TT⁹² HD¹⁵⁴-TT⁽✓⁴⁾ before attack P⁽✓¹³⁾ before attack - V⁽✓⁴¹⁾ after attack P⁽✓¹⁴⁾ before attack- V⁽✓⁴²⁾ after attack P⁽✓¹⁵⁾ before attack P⁽✓¹⁶⁾ before attack OS¹⁰³⁽✓³³⁾-OS¹⁰⁴⁽✓³⁴⁾-OS¹⁰⁵-OS¹⁰⁶⁽✓⁸⁾-HD¹⁵⁵-HD¹⁵⁶-HD¹⁵⁷-OS¹⁰⁷⁽✓³⁵⁾. OS¹⁰⁸⁽✓³⁶⁾.OS¹⁰⁹⁽✓³⁷⁾

[[in margin, cross hatch doodle]] Alarm Call given from an apparently purely relaxed posture.

[[in margin, two vertical bars & cross hatch doodle]] LCN can be transcribed as "Oo" or "Oou" as well as "Kou". Probably identical with brief HD note.


Transcription Notes:
Deleted underline notations per new transcription guidelines