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May 8, 1955

[[in margin, circular doodle with "10" written above]] 
[[superscript numbers  above observations]] 
[[additional red pencil numbering & tick marks shown thus: ⁽✓*⁾]] 

U¹⁰⁶.U¹⁰⁷.U¹⁰⁸.U¹⁰⁹.P⁴⁰.TT¹³⁰⁽✓¹⁶⁾ P⁽✓³⁵⁾ before attack U¹¹⁰x¹¹-P⁽✓³⁶⁾ before attack - U⁽✓⁶²⁾ after attack -  U⁽✓⁹⁾ after escape 
TT¹³¹⁽✓¹⁷⁾ U⁽✓⁶³⁾ after attack ⁽✓¹⁶⁾ after being attacked OG⁷⁸.⁽✓⁴⁴⁾ U ⁽✓²⁸⁾ before attack  - U⁽✓⁶⁴⁾ after attack OG⁷⁹⁽✓¹⁵]]⁾.U¹¹¹.U¹¹².U¹¹³.U¹¹⁴. OG⁸⁰⁽✓¹⁷⁾. P⁽✓³⁸⁾ before attack
U⁽✓¹⁰⁾ after escape OG⁸¹⁽✓¹⁷⁾-T³¹. O¹⁴²-HD²¹⁷⁽✓¹⁶⁾-TT¹³². OS¹⁴³-OS¹⁴⁴-OS¹⁴⁵ ⁽✓⁵⁶⁾-OS¹⁴⁶-OS¹⁴⁷-OS¹⁴⁸-OS¹⁴⁹-OS¹⁵⁰. U¹¹⁵. V⁽✓²⁹⁾ before attack - V⁽✓⁶⁵⁾ after attack  Ch⁴³-O¹⁵¹-HD²¹⁸⁽✓¹²⁾-TT¹³³. OG⁸²
⁽✓¹⁸⁾-HD²¹⁹-TT¹³⁴. OG²⁽✓³⁾ before attack  
bird in V¹¹⁶ attacked  -  HD¹⁰⁽✓¹²⁾-TT¹³⁵ after attack U⁽✓¹¹⁾ after escape HD²²⁰⁽✓³³⁾. HD²²¹⁽✓³⁶⁾.  U⁽✓³⁰⁾ before attack -  U⁽✓⁶⁶⁾ after attack  - 
U⁽✓¹⁷⁾ after being attacked U¹¹⁷-P⁴¹  PAG⁽✓²⁾ after attack P⁴².P⁴³.TT¹³⁶⁽✓¹⁸⁾.HD²²²⁽✓³⁷⁾ HD¹¹⁽✓¹³⁾-TT¹³⁷ after attack OS¹⁵²⁽✓⁵⁷⁾ OS¹⁵³⁽✓⁵⁸⁾HD²²³-TT¹³⁸.  TT³⁽✓³⁾ after attack HD³⁽✓⁵⁾-TT¹³⁹ after being attacked  TT¹⁴⁰
⁽✓¹⁹⁾.TT¹⁴¹⁽✓²⁰⁾. U⁽✓¹³⁾ during escape 

[[in margin, three vertical bars & cross hatch doodle]] FB Cry is "Kee", sometimes fairly pure tone. Sometimes harsher, more nasal. Always fairly high-pitched; sometimes very much so
Sometimes becomes "Keeyoo" or "Klioo"

[[left margin, three vertical bars & cross hatch doodle]] Burst of mutual T'ing interrupted by mutual Choking. 
Didn't notice any particular hostility by neighbors. 

Bob coming 5:20pm. 

Transcription Notes:
Deleted underline notation per new transcription guidelines