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Ring-bill May 10, 1955

[[in margin - three vertical lines & cross hatch doodle]] Some of these "Waaaa-waaaaa-waaaaa" OG's of ♂'s (even in pitch [[four horizontal lines evenly spaced]] etc) precede
M's, Ch, and Cop Call. This can be called a "muffled Long Call."

[[in margin - asterisk]] [[pencil tick]] 2 ♀ 
[[asterisk]] ♀ OS¹-OS²-OS³-OG¹⁴-V²⁷-HF¹⁰-V²⁸-T⁷⁶-V²⁹ V³⁰-HF¹¹-V³¹. OG⁴-T⁷⁷-T⁷⁸-T⁷⁹-
T⁸⁰-V³²-HF¹²-V³³. T⁸¹-T⁸²-T⁸³-T⁸⁴-T⁸⁵-T⁸⁶. OS⁴.OG⁵-V³⁴. T⁸⁷-T⁸⁸-T⁸⁹-T⁹⁰. T⁹¹-T⁹²-T⁹³-T⁹⁴-T⁹⁵. OG⁶-T⁹⁶-T⁹⁷-T⁹⁸-T⁹⁹-V³⁵-HF¹³-V³⁶ T¹⁰⁰. T¹⁰¹-T¹⁰²-T¹⁰³-T¹⁰⁴-T¹⁰⁵-T¹⁰⁶-T¹⁰⁷-T¹⁰⁸. T¹⁰⁹. T¹¹⁰. HD¹-TT¹.T¹¹¹. T¹¹².-T¹¹³.-T¹¹⁴
V³⁷-HF¹⁴-V³⁸-T¹¹⁵-T¹¹⁶-T¹¹⁷-T¹¹⁸-T¹¹⁹-T¹²⁰-T¹²¹-T¹²²-T¹²³-T¹²⁴. T¹²⁵-T¹²⁶. OG⁷-V³⁹-T¹²⁷-T¹²⁸-T¹²⁹-T¹³⁰-T¹³¹. V⁴⁰-T¹³²-T¹³³-T¹³⁴-T¹³⁵-T¹³⁶. T¹³⁷-T¹³⁸-T¹³⁹-T¹⁴⁰-T¹⁴¹.

[[image - pencil sketch of gull's head, beak tucked well down]] Twisted Withdrawn posture

Birds are definitely on the dull side 12:55 p.m.

[[in margin - 3 vertical lines & cross hatch doodle]]
Seen many examples of brief choking today. They all seem to be provoked by disputes with neighbors and intruders; but centered on the nest-site or station and directed toward the partner if parent.

Rather like "Triumph Ceremony" in some respects. Certainly no evidence of real "friendly" choking; but superficially more "friendly" than choking of the BCG.

[[in margin - cross hatch doodle]] Notice how low-intensity choking is reminiscent of some preliminary regurgitation movements

[[in margin - cross hatch doodle]] Ch. int. movement (almost like "Goethestellung") with 
definitely raised scapulars (although not actually ruffled very much)