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Ring-bill  May 10, 1955

This "Waaaaa-waaaaaa-waaaaaa....." O call is presumably the exact homologue of the PCG of Franklin's Gull 

Scheme in both species somewhat as follows
Aggressive pumping 
Long Call          
[[dashed lines link up & over to]] Choking 
[[solid lines link down to]] Long Call Oblique

Less aggressive pumping
Long Call Oblique 
[[dashed lines link up & over to]] Choking 
[[solid lines link down to]] Long Call Oblique

Partly Sexual Groan
Oblique-Low Oblique 
[[dashed lines link up & over to]] Choking 
[[solid lines link down to]] Long Call Oblique


[[triangular arrangement of text linked by lines]]

Distinctive posture
[[dashed lines link up & over to]] Choking 
[[solid lines link down to]] Long Call Oblique

[[dashed lines link up & over to]] Choking 
[[solid lines link down to]] Long Call Oblique

Partly Sexual Moan
[[dashed lines link up & over to]] Choking 
[[solid lines link down to]] Long Call Oblique


How do the HD,TT, and L (with LC) patterns fit in?

[[in margin - cross hatch doodle]] T is obviously more (or less) than purely sexual in this species

[[in margin - asterisk]] [[in pencil ♀]] 3
[[asterisk doodle]][[pencil tick]] o [[superscript numbers in pencil above each observation]] V⁴¹-OS⁵-V⁴². OS⁶-OG⁸-O⁷. OG⁹-T¹⁴²-T¹⁴³-T¹⁴⁴ T¹⁴⁵.T¹⁴⁶.T¹⁴⁷-T¹⁴⁸-T¹⁴⁹-T¹⁵⁰. T¹⁵¹-T¹⁵²-T¹⁵³-T¹⁵⁴-T¹⁵⁵. V⁴³-T¹⁵⁶-T¹⁵⁷-T¹⁵⁸-T¹⁵⁹-T¹⁶⁰-T¹⁶¹. T¹⁶²-T¹⁶³-T¹⁶⁴. T¹⁶⁵-T¹⁶⁶-T¹⁶⁷-T¹⁶⁸-T¹⁶⁹-T¹⁷⁰-T¹⁷¹-T¹⁷²-T¹⁷³-T¹⁷⁴. V⁴⁴. T¹⁷⁵-T¹⁷⁶-T¹⁷⁷-T¹⁷⁸-T¹⁷⁹- 
T¹⁸⁰-T¹⁸¹-T¹⁸²-T¹⁸³-T¹⁸⁴-T¹⁸⁵-T¹⁸⁶-T¹⁸⁷-T¹⁸⁸-T¹⁸⁹-T¹⁹⁰-T¹⁹¹-T¹⁹²-T¹⁹³-T¹⁹⁴-T¹⁹⁵-T¹⁹⁶-T¹⁹⁷-T¹⁹⁸-T¹⁹⁹. Plus²²⁹30 additional T's

10 more²³⁹ T's 
2:00p.m. M²-M³-Ch²-Ch³. OS⁸-OS⁹-OS¹⁰-OS¹¹. Ch⁴. T²⁴⁰-T²⁴¹-T²⁴².
[[in margin]] 1.2 [[/in margin]] T²⁴³-T²⁴⁵-T²⁴⁶-T²⁴⁷-T²⁴⁸ [[in box]] H [[/in box]] OG¹⁵-V⁴⁵-T²⁴⁹-V⁴⁶. V⁴⁷-T²⁵⁰-T²⁵¹-T²⁵²-T²⁵³-T²⁵⁴-T²⁵⁵-V⁴⁸ [[in box]] H [[/in box]] 12 more²⁶⁷ T's  HD²-TT²-V⁴⁹-T²⁴⁸-V⁵⁰. T²⁶⁹-V⁵¹ V⁵²-HF¹⁵-V⁵³.V⁵⁴-HF¹⁶-V⁵⁵. V⁵⁶-T²⁷⁰-T²⁷¹-T²⁷²-V⁵⁷.V⁵⁸.V⁵⁹-HF¹⁷-V⁶⁰. 

[[in margin, 3 vertical bands & cross hatch doodle]] Females seem to be as aggressive as males in territorial defense.

Transcription Notes:
[[image: triangular arrangement of text linked by lines]]