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Ring-bill, May 10, 1955

I simply cannot distinguish between the Cop. Call and the high intensity, pumping, gabbering, Long Call or Oblique Call by sound alone. Only the postures are somewhat different, and that isn't very much to go by. Cop. Call always more prolonged. Both variable in pitch. 

Posture very much like choking by a bird retreating very reluctantly. Important thing is no choking movements or call 3:38.

[[left margin]] *³ male [[/left margin]] * male OG²²-Ch¹¹. U³⁶-T⁶⁵-T⁶⁶-U³⁷-T⁶⁷-T⁶⁸-T⁶⁹. [[Gsr?]]³ M⁴³. Ch¹². Add 19 Cop. Calls Cop. Add 23⁹² T's  U³⁸. M⁴⁴. M⁴⁵. M⁴⁶. Cop. Cop. Cop. U³⁹-T⁹³. Cop. Ch¹³. Cop. Cop. OS⁶-OS⁷ M⁴⁷ M⁴⁸. Cop Call Cop T⁹⁴. Cop. Cop Cop-T⁹⁵. Cop T⁹⁶. T⁹⁷. U⁴⁰ M⁴⁹ M⁵⁰. Cop. Ch¹⁴. Ch¹⁵. OS⁸-Ch¹⁶. OG²³-HD⁶-TT⁷-U⁴¹-HF¹⁴-U⁴²-Ch¹⁷. Ch¹⁸. Cop. Cop. M⁵¹-Ch¹⁹. Cop. U⁵⁷. Cop U⁴³. Cop Cop Cop Cop Cop. T⁹⁸-T⁹⁹-U⁴⁴-T¹⁰⁰.

[[left margin]] *⁴ female] [[/left margin]]
 * Female T²⁷³. T²⁷⁴. U⁶¹-HF¹⁸. 16T's²⁹⁰. Add 19 T's³⁰⁹ U⁶²-T³¹⁰-U⁶³. U⁶⁴-T³¹¹. T³¹². OS¹²-OS¹³-OS¹⁴-OS¹⁵. T³¹³.T³¹⁴.T³¹⁵.T³¹⁶.T³¹⁷.U⁶⁵. Add 33T's³⁵⁰.  T³⁵¹-T³⁵²-T³⁵³. OS¹⁶. OG¹⁰-T³⁵⁴-T³⁵⁵-T³⁵⁶-T³⁵⁷- 
[[left margin]] 3,4, [[/left margin]] T³⁵⁸-T⁵⁹. T⁶⁰-T⁶¹-T⁶²-T⁶³-T⁶⁴-T⁶⁵-T⁶⁶. T⁶⁷ T⁶⁸-T⁶⁹-T⁷⁰-T⁷¹-T⁷²-T⁷³-T⁷⁴-T⁷⁵ T⁷⁶. T⁷⁷. T⁷⁸. T³⁷⁹. [[boxed]] H [[/boxed]] [[boxed]] H [[/boxed]]
[[left margin]] 5. [[/left margin]] [[boxed]] [[H?]] [[/boxed]] T³⁸⁰-T⁸¹-T⁸²-T³⁸³.  Add 10 T's³⁹³ U⁶⁶-T³⁹⁴-T⁹⁵-T³⁹⁶-U⁶⁷-HF¹⁹-U⁶⁸. U⁶⁹-T³⁹⁷-T⁹⁸-T⁹⁷-T⁴⁰⁰-T⁴⁰¹

TT notes are much hoarser and deeper than T notes. "Kaa"

Terrific and violent fighting. At least six birds involved. 
Many OG's, HD's, U's. Some P's and TT's.  Not a trace of choking  — and this is certainly the highest-intensity disputing I have seen in the species so far. Again Again. All this fighting very extreme. No sitting side by side along the territory boundary and threatening for hours. 

Not only are the OG's and Ch provoked by neighbors and intruders often redirected upon the partner; but the succeeding U's, HF's, and T's, are also orientated vis a vis the partner as well.

Ruffle often just before forward rush, before spreading wings

Choking call differs from Cop and Gabbering in being deeper, more muffled, heavier.  

Transcription Notes:
Deleted underline notations per new transcription guidelines; page 195 note- transcription center request to change [[female/male symbol]] to either female or male [[superscript numbers in pencil over each observation]] left margin paragraphs 1,2, 5-9: vertical bars & cross hatch doodle