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Ring-bill, May 10, 1955

[[in margin, cross hatch doodle]] Definite case of attempted rape. A neighbor male was the culprit. 5:00

[[left margin]]⁴*[[male symbol]] [[/left margin]] *[[male symbol]] Cop [[superscript numbers in pencil above each observation]] Ch²⁰-Ch²¹-Ch²²-Ch²³ Add 36T's¹³⁶ - U⁴⁵-HF¹⁵-U⁴⁶ U⁴⁷-HF¹⁶-U⁴⁸-Ch²⁴-U⁴⁹. Cop. U²⁰. Ch²⁵-U⁵¹.T¹³⁷.U⁵²-T¹³⁸.Cop Cop. Cop OG²⁷. OG²⁴.OG²⁵-U⁵³-T¹³⁹. T¹⁴⁰-T¹⁴¹-T¹⁴²T¹⁴³.Cop.T¹⁴⁴.OG²⁶

Getting cooler now 5:55

[[left margin]] [[female symbol]] *5 [[/left margin]] [[checkmark]] * [[female symbol]] T⁴⁰²-U⁷⁰-HF²⁰-T⁴⁰³-Ch⁵-Ch⁶-Ch⁷-Ch⁸.-Ch⁹. Add 39 T's⁴⁴²-U⁷¹- HF²¹ U⁷²-HF²²-T⁴⁴³-T⁴⁴-T⁴⁵-T⁴⁶-T⁴⁴⁷-HF²³-T⁴⁴⁸-T⁴⁹-T⁵⁰-T⁴⁵¹-HF²⁴-T⁴⁵²-T⁵³-T⁵⁴-T⁴⁵⁵-Ch¹⁰-V⁷³-T⁴⁵⁶.
U⁷⁴. T⁴⁵⁷-T⁵⁸-T⁴⁵⁹. Ch¹¹-U⁷⁵-HF²⁵-U⁷⁶-T⁴⁶⁰-U⁷⁷. OG¹¹-T⁴⁶¹.U⁷⁸.T⁴⁶²-T⁶³-T⁴⁶⁴.U⁷⁹-T⁴⁶⁵-T⁶⁶-T⁴⁶⁷ U⁸⁰-HF²⁶
T⁴⁶⁸-T⁶⁹.T⁷⁰-T⁴⁷¹-OS¹⁷-OS¹⁸ OG¹².OG¹³-U⁸¹, T⁴⁷²-T⁷³ T⁷⁴-T⁷⁵.T⁴⁷⁶. Add 8T's⁴⁸⁴ T⁴⁸⁵T⁴⁸⁶.

[[left margin]] Stopped * notes 6:15 [[/left margin]]

FB seems to be directed toward red corners of the gape. 

Rhythm of Trumpeting Call 
[[image]] OS HD Not very good? TT
Keeyah  Keeyah, Kah Kah Kah
Clear. Throaty notes.
brief HD-TT
Quite typical, I think. 

Trumpeting Call sometimes all one pitch.
Kah clear  
brief OS-HD-TT
typical OS-HD-TT

Both first and third phases particularly variable in no. of notes. First phase (with PCC, Glik etc) the most variable. 

Transcription Notes:
[[image: sketch, using horizontal pencil bars & pen crosses, in a rising then falling pattern to show phases of bird call]] [[image: sketch, using horizontal pencil bars, in a rising then falling pattern, showing phases of bird call]]