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Ring-bill May 12, 1955


much as the TCP, and probably more so. Much more than the Upright

Both M and ch with swollen chins at time.

Female attacks neighbor after unsuccessful copulation attempt by her mate. Obviously seduction. 

Some of the M, M-PCC, or PCC notes could be transcribed as
"A-ooooooah" [[image 1]]

Ch with eye closed toward opponent, other eye open. Then the reverse, FR with eye away from opponent closed, other open. What the hell's going on? 

Definite Attack Call by bird rushing over ground to attack 

Leaving 7:05

May 13, 1955.

Arrive Pelican Island noon. Warm. Mod. wind Overcast with occasional showers. Spend early time watching Californias
2:00 pm.
[[left margin: solid diamond with the number "2" at its left side]] [[image 2]] OG³²-U⁵-T²⁰-T²¹ ch¹⁴⁹-ch¹⁵⁰. OS⁸-HD¹⁶-TT¹⁹-T²² T²³-T²⁴ ch¹⁵¹. ch¹⁵².-HF⁷-U⁶-ch¹⁵³. ch¹⁵⁴. OG³³. OS⁹-HD¹⁷-TT²⁰. HD¹⁸-TT²¹. HF⁸-HF⁹. HD¹⁹-TT²². HD²⁰-TT²³. U⁷. U⁸. HF¹⁰. T²⁵-T²⁶-OG³⁴-ch¹⁵⁵. OG³⁵. ch¹⁵⁶. HD²¹. HF¹¹. OG³⁶. ch¹⁵⁷. ch¹⁵⁸. ch¹⁵⁹. ch¹⁶⁰. 

a bad day for this count. Stopping 4:45 pm.

Transcription Notes:
[[image 1: sketch of song pattern for "A-ooooooah"]] [[image 2: solid diamond]] left margin - vertical bars and cross-hatching Numbers entered above letter OG etc. Note on page 195: "changed [[female/male symbol]] to either female or male as requested by transcription center"