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May 24 III

LCN and T note are almost identical. Both higher pitched and less throaty than even the early notes of the complete LC.

L sound could almost be transcribed as "woof-woof-woof ...."

My drawing of L posture is not to extreme

Occasionally during L, bill is briefly, very briefly pointed downward. This, in combination with the hoarse, rhythmic quality of the accompanying sound, makes me think of choking.

As far as P is concerned, the only difference between his LCN and T note is that the former is louder and more piercing. 7:07

Posture (and fairly exact proportions) during "choking" type of L.

Actually, this Ch type of L is not always so momentary. Sometimes briefly prolonged. Once followed by picking up twigs twice.

Other type of L sound is harsher, more explosive, more like the "Kek"s of the Alarm Call 7:12.

P is very earnest in his "courting" Does GC's almost constantly.

Does HF in L, plus very pronounced wing and body tilt, when flying bird comes near. Then, when the flier comes nearer still, stretches neck up and gives Attack Call. Flier naturally screams and passes on.

[[left margin]] !! [[/left margin]] Very definitely the "woof-woof-woof" type of L is transitional to Choking. Just saw it pass over into unmistakable Ch.

This is probably the bird that, on Wednesday, began his GC's with what I called "L" (without O). Actually, these awkward little performances were probably L-Ch.

[[left margin]] ! [[/left margin]] Also brief traces of Charge Call during the "woof-woof" L.

OL-O | OL O | LCh-OL-T | OL | LCh-OL | 7:30
OL-T OL-T | LCh O | Lch-OL-T | (asleep between GC's) O-OL-T-T | O-LCh-OL-T | OL-T | O OL | O-OL-T | LCh-OL-T |

Transcription Notes:
[[image: sketch of bird]] Cross hatching areas on let margin on page and on left of OL-T of last paragraph. Wriggly lines under all calls of last paragraph.