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May 25 II

[[image]] Posture with Attack Call on Land

Major panic, repeated at 4:08

[[left margin]] *26 ✓✓✓ [[/left margin]] MC. at C. Male does O1-T-T-T-T-U-T5-U2. Female does U1-HF-U2-HF-
U3-HF3-U4 flies off. C follows but I lose them.

Still another bird. OL-T-U| OL-T. OL-T-U O-OL-T
[[left margin]] ? [[/left margin]] O.O.O.O.O.| Also about 6 "bek bek" Alarm Calls, in semi-Oblique posture. Directed at me? Or at flying birds? Probably the former.

[[left margin]] *27 ✓✓✓ [[/left margin]] MC. Male does U-T-T-U-T-T4-U-HF-Cpr1-HF-U-HF3-Cpr2-V5. Female does U1-T1-HF-U2-HF-U3-HF3-U4 flies off 4:23 Followed by male. 

OL-T.|O.O.| OL.OL.O.O.O.O.O.| OL-T, OL-T|, O-OL. "L"-OL-T-
O-OL|.4:30. OL-T.O.| O.OL.O.| OL-T.O.OL.OL. O.O.O-OL. O.OL.| O.-OL-T-O|. OL,| O.O.O.O.OL.O.O.O.O.O.O. O-OL-T. OL-OL-T| O-OL-T. OL-T-O-O-OL-T|. Very dull now 4:52, as usual

Swoop-soar with attack call differs from charge-soar with
charge call in being more up and down, but covering less area.

C returns to female, who has been waiting. She rushes to 
join him, beginning FB HT, from H, right away. C stands in U for a while, makes a few half-hearted PAG's, then C after female has done at least a dozen T's, he begins to T himself still in U. They continue like this for a few seconds, female  still doing more and more rapid T's than 

Transcription Notes:
[[image: blue pen sketch of bird with open beak and wings outstretched]] [[left margin]] double pencilled check marks asterisk red pencilled check mark 26 at lines 3-4 question mark at line 6 red pencilled check mark double pencilled check marks 27 asterisk at lines 7-8