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May 25 V

MC at C of its usual type (in which male did T). Then female begins FB T frantically, sometimes from U, sometimes (especially when actually pecking at male's bill, from H. Male stands in U, occasionally bends head to ground, finally regurges. Female eats. Then process begins again. Female FB T as before. Male begins T too, less often than female, usually from U. Male regurges again. Female eats. Then both disappear behind clump 6:52.

Wind coming up.

Same process continuing at C. Then female walks away a few feet. Sits. Male flies to water. There he does many typical GC's to flying birds.

This T seems, as far as the movement itself is concerned, absolutely identical with the OL type of T. During FB the bill looks, to the causal observer , closed throughout the movement — but this may be deceptive.

C seems to be partially mated now. The female stands or walks near him as he preens in a thoroughly relaxed fashion.

Then she starts FBT, from H again. Male does usual side to side head & neck evasion, but also keeps bending his head to the ground Brief traces of U by male. Female finally fed, eats leisurely. Male, after regurge, stands in U, HF Then he flies a foot away, PAG or dips. Now out of sight. Female standing peacefully on his station. Now flies a few feet away,out of sight.

Leaving 7:10, as wind increases

No Not quite. Trying to see if bill is opened during T(OL). Yes, I think so. Slightly, in the middle of the movement.

Leaving 7:15

[[image]] Bill after almost closed at beginning of O 
comme ça

Transcription Notes:
[[image: sketch of bird's head showing bill almost closed]]