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May 30 II
  I'm not sure that this isn't a new C, seems to have dragging leg when he flies.
  Apparently an intruder has been on C station. Flies off as C (?) finally lands. Peculiar posture before land.

  {2 images of bird} With, apparently, both 
                     attack and long                

  MC at C. Female does U-T-U-HF-HF-U attack. Male does U-T-U-T-T-U-NF-U escape. Female does T after she leaves 6:58.
  Round neck feathers quite visible during ordinary O, but crest feathers are not reused.

  {Image of 2 birds}First picture of bird
                    says presumably more
                    Second picture of bird
                    says presumably less
                    Nape shapes during O
  Long continued Pursuit Flight. (?) accelerated in charge - swoop at least four times. Brief (?) End of (?) not (not underlined)(?) by soar, (?) just turned away. 7:07.
  MC at C. Female does U-HF-U-T-PAG-U-PAG -U-CPR (?)U-O-U-T-U. Male does U-HF-U-T-U-OL-U.  Interrupted here, again (again underlined) by arrival of (?) bird.