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June 3 III

Still some other unmated males around -apparently.
Why no CC's? I haven't heard one this morning.
[[left margin]] Δ11✓ [[/left margin]] Cop in pair that don't seem to have nest yet. Preceded by [[?]] T.  Male mounts and begins with typical attack call Gradually changes to typical Cop. Call. Changes back to attack call when female struggles particularly violently, then back to Cop Call. Latter part of Cop call with closed bill. Female gives AC twice during Cop, each time when a stranger was passing by. Post-cop display of male U✓-HF✓-HF✓-U✓-O✓-U✓. Female PAG✓ - T✓. 6:52.

[[image: sketch of bird's head]] Generally rough all over.  
Chin feathers also raised during AC — occasionally.
Lots of violent fighting. Almost always very brief. No sign of choking yet.7:05.
A number of"ooooah" calls heard while Regurge seemed to be occurring in neighborhood.
[[left margin]] Δ12✓ [[/left margin]] Post cop display male U. Female U.
Most of the birds asleep 7:12.
Aha! N. R. at near front nest. M. Female sitting. Male standing beside her, head & bill inclined downward, uttering series of male FC's. "oooah" or "wah" 
[[image: sketch of bird's body]] Female begins to FB, T from H. This continues for a while. Comme ça. Then the female gets up, apparently to FB; but the male just slips on the nest immediately. Female stands non-plussed for a second or so, then flies away 7:42.
[[left margin]] !! [[/left margin]] Tone quality of male FC is nearest the "woof woof woof". Rhythm very different.


Transcription Notes:
[[image: sketch of bird's head]]