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June 5 VII
SC 6 AC. AC before attack U 8 after attack

N3 seem to have subdued trip.  Ocas bursts of AC's by both, at flying birds.  Then ♂ begins to collect u ru, walking about blindly, mostly pulling it up and dropping it.  Interrupted frequently by more AC's at passer by.  ♀ asleep. ♂ asleep. ♂ continues ub, showing only trace of s.u.b. 8:45  Quite vigorous about it, but having trouble finding suitable material gradually drops. Begins to preen 8:53

All these birds that do AC toward near flying birds (and some not so awfully near), generally do OL toward ruoct(sp?) not so awfully near flying birds.

Ns, after screaming at flier, begins to "choke" in drag Ch posture.  Joined by ♀ who does same thing, and also peeks up turning briefly in midst of choking.  Now relax again 9:01.

**♀ joins ♂.  ♂ ch. ♀ nothing.  Again, different pair, exactly the *same thing.  ♀ joins ♂.  Neither bird does anything. 
OL. G[circled] CC 5 after attack

Getting windier by the minute.

**♀ joins ♂.  ♂ U-T-U. ♀ U. ♀ joins ♂.  ♀ does T, ♂ does nothing ♂ **joins ♀.  Neither does anything ♀joins ♂.  Neither does anything  *♂joins ♀ same story.  ♂ joins ♀, same story

*Leaving 9:20