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Monday June 7

Arrive Island Colony 5:14 a.m. Warmish. Strong S.E. wind, very overcast, cooler like rain.

Nearby gulls are reluctant to come back.

One down, very (?) 5:20. Another down, same.  Up again, down again, etc. All the others are down before this, quite relaxed. All except one, near, back 5:25.

OL-Ol-OL-OL CC before attack, CC after 
attack, U after attack, AC before attack U after attack,U. AC before attack, U after attack.
Male joins female. u.a.d. Again u.a.d. Again u.a.d. Again female does nothing. Male PAG.

  @ SU AC before attack. AC after attack. CC CC CC OL. U after being attached.  AC before attached. AC before attack.  AC after attack.U. OL. T.U.

  @ SC AC. AC. AC. AC. AC. AC. AC.

Male joins female. u.a.d.

[[image - sketch of bird]]  
Unusual O posture.

N3(?) certainly does look, and sound like male, but doing quite typical G C's.
SV level does quite typical "oooooh"s, then three brief "uh" (ch) sounds 5:38.

Female joins male. u.a.d. Male joins female u.a.d.

Not much in the way of (?) this morning. 5:46.

@SU. AC before attack. U after attack. (AC to attack all underlined.