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June 7 III

20*19*   ♂ joined by ♀. m.a.d. Again, again he m.a.d.

6 SU   Ac after being attacked.  AC before attack   AC before attack
Rain unbelievably strong now 6:50.  Down pour lightens considerably by 7:10, but wind remains.
Should mention that some of the birds behave shy during this storm, and one, nicely, deserted temporarily
Birds recovering fairly rapidly.  A hell of a lot of preening going on.  
Have viewed good view of AC in air.  As might be expected, no feathers are raised.


A considerable amount of m.b by solitary, pre-mc, birds now.  Difficult to correlate with anything in particular.  Does tend to follow, overt hostility, but what doesn't. 
6 SC   AC before attack  "Oooha ch" after attack. AC before attack AC after attack   AC after being attacked CC.CC.CC.
Rain again 7:27 With thunder again.  Quickly increases.

During this second cloudburst, the bird who has been absent ever since I got in the build finally dares to return!
Still, it is obvious that this weather has had a most unsettling effect on the birds.  
(Speaking of this bird that deserted for over a hour, I see that pair pause with its reappearance, the bird at N5 has gone.  Is this significant?)  No! Now both present at same time! 

Rain abating slightly 7:45

Defiant AC, with bill quite closed!
[drawing of bird]