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FRANKLIN's Chicks, 1955

Does the fact that these wild young birds gave no sound when picked up mean that there escape drive was the only drive activated? More probably just that it was relatively very much stronger than attack.

Notice one of the  wild birds I picked up seemed to become almost paralyzed. Semi-limp, almost "playing possum", in bottom of boat; but started to kick as soon as picked up again

Notice in my captive birds that during Juv. Glik performances they often sit down (call this "Squat"), sometimes the Squat is accompanied by acenation [[best guess]] of calls. This looks almost like Freeze of adults. Noticed it first about a week ago.

31st-32nd  JULY 25th

Notice two new things.

One young gull (RH), in juvenile L, rather long neck, bill touching ground, gives Juv. Glik sounds, then unmistakable choking sounds just like adult.

Other gull (probably BH), after being kicked, goes into L (with h.i.D.C. and juv. Glik sounds) with carpi raised as in adult. (Up to now, it is has always been the primaries that have been held out or dropped most)

Notice definitely that R is commonest in L or H with weak hi.DC or whistle sounds.

These young birds are now Bowing to me much less than before. Change in motivation?