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Larus II

him, roughly, can't get more than single or double notes.

Willie also does whistle very often, especially when I approach. Gus only does it when I approach.

Willie sometimes does "seesping" sound. Low intensity distress call? Transitional to whistle? When rejoining or being joined by Gus.

Gus & Willie introduced, individually, to the whole group of Franklin's chicks. Not much in the way of response, but Gus may have made "seesping" noise when being pecked by these Franklin's chicks.

July 5, 1954

Definitely looks as if whistle was becoming FB.

Both Gus and Willie introduced to elderly Franklin's chick (X), not much response.

New Ring-bill, call it Joe, hatched (artificially) this evening

July 7, 1954

Willie attacked by X. Runs away, screaming DC.

Might also note, in passing, that both Gus and Willie's initial greeting of me is the D.C. Then, especially in case of Gus, succeeded by whistle

July 10, 1954

See also today's notes on Franklin

Both Gus and Willie have FB quite clear now. Derivative of whistle. Very little toning. In fact, any toning that does occur seems to be almost accidental.

Still giving DC as "threat" But now realize that, as in Franklin's, there are two forms. Single Rasping notes, usually repeated rapidly. Presumably derived from monosyllabic DC. This is the one that is used in "threat."