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Franklin's III

ation of O and L. Sometimes almost Head-bobbing.

Sound of both A and B apparently identical. Rasp. Can now be transcribed as "haaa haaaa haaaa....." or "heeah heeah heeah heeeah.....?

Younger Franklin's seem to have same thing. But the FB "hhooo" or "whistle" is still very rare.

X is clearly FB from Hunched. Much less clear in others.

[[image]] X posture with call transitional between Rasps & FB

Young Franklin's now seem to have lost whistle.
Got new young Franklin's Gull, Green-head, hatched morning of July 2. Has been kept by the Callias :, fed largd [[best guess]] or egg I think. Has peculiar voice. Rasp present as usual, (and I might note here that it is usually a series of notes, usually monosyllabic, occasionally [[veg?]] faculty polysyllabic. "Kaaa haaa haaa...." Notes much longer than syllables of high intensity duties call.  But this
bird also has a rasp without the rasping quality. These sounds like LCN's. Or, occasionally, more long-chawn [[best guess]]: Retie the CC. According to Nik this has been going on for at least 2 days.

                    July 11

Watching N again.

Notice that, toward me at least, its threat (head-down with scapulars raised, and "haaaa, may be briefly preceded and succeeded by same [[strikethrough]] call [[/strikethrough] posture with FB call.

✔︎✔︎Yellow Shoulders  Hatched 8:30 a.m.  June 27
✔︎✔︎Green shoulders  Hatched 6. am.      June 28
(have had these for well over a week).