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Franklin's V

July 12

For the last few days RS has, in hostile situations, been giving bursts of short, explosive "haa" notes. Reminiscent of AC. Today, X came over while the others were being fed. Was immediately attacked by the others. RS and YR, particularly, attacked it with [[?]] AC "Ka-ha-ha....." No particularly conspicuous postures, trace of both L and O, wings more or less raised. X retreated in scapular-raised L.

Introduced RS into pool by X, Gus and Willie Slight fighting. RS attacked by Gus. Went into head-down with "haa" Short notes, shorter than usual, but less explosive than AC. Trace of choking? X also choked. Must emphasized how scapular-raised "haaa" is succeeded, smoothly, by scapular-raised FB.

YS got in fight with Gus, Willie, X group. YS rushed forward, giving AC, in following posture 

[[image - sketch of bird]] Wings out and drooping

YS also adopts this posture when running away from one of its companions who has been chasing & pecking it

July 13

Should mention that yesterday I saw one of the medium chicks semi-crouch when attacked by X & Willie

[[image - sketch of bird]]

Transcription Notes:
Sketch of gull posture