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Rhamphocelus, I

October 26, 1958                 
Bronx Zoo

Alio arrived early today.

Saw the Y Orange-rump feed the Black-throat. The Black-throat did R, in a low forward posture (see below) before the Orange-rump passed the food over. The Orange-rump may have chose R in an unritualized posture at the same time, but I am not sure of this. The Black-throat certainly did R in the same low posture after being fed.
[[image - sketch of bird with its beak open]]

The 2 birds separated after this incident.  But, later on, the Orange-rump several times flew to the branch on which the Black-throat was sitting. Not carrying food. Each time the Black throat responded by turning toward the Orange-rump and doing R. Sometimes in the low forward posture drawn above. Sometimes in a quite unritualized more erect sitting posture. Each time the Orange-rump flew away almost immediately.

The 2 Silver-bills in the other cage were quite active at one time this morning. Flying back and forth, with lots of TF's & WF's. Just like Sangre de Toros. They also uttered a lot of CN's and all of these CN's were "Trit"s!

Once, when the male and female Silver-bill came together on a branch, one or both birds uttered a few soft hoarse "Waaaah"-type notes. From unritualized postures.  Sounded just like unusually soft MCN's of the Sangre de Toro. More like WhN's than HAC.

Transcription Notes:
Author wrote as: Rhamphocelus