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Rhamphocelus, Nov. 9, 1958, II               

There was a dispute between the Black-throat and a barbet this morning, while both birds were standing on the ground, near the food tray. The barbet was that aggressor, pecking the tanager quite vigorously. The tanager responded by doing very pronounced & prolonged G, with head drawn in on shoulders (the orange feathers of the back of the crown & nape of this species may be somewhat elongated — anyhow they often seem to form a small "hood" or "cape" — and they certainly did during this bout of G.)

The black upper back feathers were very very ruffled!

Rhamphocelus, I  

December 17, 1958,

Silver-bills are quite common around here, in the rather open second-growth around the outskirts of town. I have seen both apparently single males and family parties apparently consisting of an adult male & female plus two juveniles.

They have all behaved in much the same way as the captive birds in the N.Y. Zoo. They have uttered lots & lots of CN's. All the CN's have been of the "Tsit" type, but I did notice here,under more or less natural conditions, that the "Tsit"s of this species 

Transcription Notes:
Author wrote as: Rhamphocelus [[image: sketch of bird, arrows point to the back of the head and shoulder areas]]