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Rhamphocelus [[Ramphocelus]], Mar. 3, 1959, II        

The adult male (at least) also uttered quite a lot of single "Auh" CN's as it flew around.

Rhamphocelus [[Ramphocelus]], I.      

March 4, 1959
Cerro Punta

Saw another party of 1 adult male and 2 females and/or young Scarlet Rumps today, right outside El Volcán. This time the male uttered nothing but "Trit" CN's, while one or both of the other birds uttered "Auh"s.

July 18, 1959

There are a lot of Sangre de Toros around here, which I have watched from time to time, in the intervals of studying other things. They seem to be quite active. There are a number of young birds around, but some of the adults are also showing some patterns which I have not seen before.  It is probable that they are in the full swing of the breeding season now.

For one thing, a lot of birds are uttering notes which appears to be a form of "Trit" CN, but which should actually, in the case of this species be transcribed as "Psssssst." Very Latin American! I shouldn't be surprised if all sorts of birds, males and females, adults & young, uttered such notes from time to time, and they are certainly occasionally uttered by birds moving through low brush & shrubbery, but the only birds I have actually been able to see uttering these "Psssssst" CNs are adult males always when sitting alone  near the top of a tall tree. At such times