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Rhamphocelus [[Ramphocelus]], May 17, 1961 II             

While the male sang, he had definite traces of CR (see drawing). Rather different from any CR I have seen in this species before.

He opened his bill as he uttered notes, but only very, very slightly. Hardly perceptible. Bill apparently completely closed between notes. The tail was jerked forward with each note (both "keeyoo's and "kew"s - see below), and then returned to its original position between notes. No wing movements.

Almost all this "Keeyoo" singing consisted of regular alternating "keeyoo" and kew" notes. Comme ça: "Keeyoo kew keeyoo kew keeyoo kew kee......" Continued "indefinitely. Occasionally an extra "kew" note interjected. All very reminiscent of Yellow-throated Altapetes!

Just before the male stopped singing this morning, he fluffed his crimson rump in a very conspicuous manner. Then began to preen rump, silently, immediately after stopping song.

Rhamphocelus [[Ramphocelus]], I
June 2, 1961

There is a family of Sangres around here, in the neighborhood of the X-Y Green-backed Sparrows.

This morning, one of the juvenile Sangres perched in a tree by itself, uttering lots of PCN's. It was eventually answered by the adult male,about 50 ft away, who also uttered PCN's. Neither bird uttered ACN's at any time.

The PCN's of both the juvenile and the adult male were definitely hoarse or buzzy in quality. This is probably true of all the PCN's of this species.