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Rhamphocelus [[Ramphocelus]], Jun. 15, 1961, VI         

ACN and/or PCN.

Most of the cop. attempts, now, seem to break off because the male suddenly flies off the back of the female before he brings her closer down to hers. She usually seems to be quite prepared to continue indefinitely.

The male seems to be making his cop attempts with very little in the way of preliminary display now. Just the briefest low intensity indication of a Pre-Cop Posture (BL & BF & perhaps a trace of St - No Wass, but probably Tail fanning.)

Just before mounting the female, both now and during the earlier apparently successful cop. attempts, the male always comes out of the BL & St of the Pre-Cop Posture. Stretches neck up vertically, holding head vertically or even with bill pointed diagonally downward. Obviously an "intention movement" of mounting. Male continues to hold head & neck in this fashion throughout the actual copulation.

None of the cop. attempts lately have been accompanied by MCN's. All quite silent. Some of these attempts have been quite prolonged (But I don't think any have been successful. The male always breaks off.)

Leaving myself 8:15.

Looking over my notes for today, I feel that general conclusions can be drawn.

There seem to be three distinctly different types of male pre-copulatory behavior.

[[red pencil]] I [[/red pencil]] The male advances toward the female by Pivoting. (This Pivoting may well be ritualized). With plumage either normal, or even (possibly) sleeked down more than usual. When he reaches the female, he peers into her face, perhaps even "pokes" her bill. Then mounts straight away.

This presumably occurs when the male's sex drive is very high, and