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Ramophocelus, Feb. 18, 1962, II            

I am now beginning to think TssN's may be lower intensity than Ф's. Most active & vocal birds utter Ф's rather than series of TssN's. 

Perhaps not. Single male sits in posture, wings drooped, rump fluffed, uttering series of TssN's. Then begins Ф's. Immediately goes out of previous posture begins to perform flight int. Then flies away. Difference between TssN's & Ф's probably qualitative.

Head quite rounded
Tail sometimes vertical
Posture commonly accompanying TssN's. Sometimes accompanying Ф's (and other calls?)
Wings not spread.

Male YR chases female or juv. in flight. Very close. Twisting and turning. Chase accompanied by single TssN;s. Probably leads to actual encounter in air. When 2 birds land separately. Female or juv. utters Ф-NNs immediately after landing 7:05.

Everything calm by 7:15 a.m.

Male A YR sitting on perch. Exposed. Uttering series Tss Notes. Interspersed with series 3, 4, or 5 PN's. PN's and TssN's very different. TssN's hard. Always "Treet"s. PN's sometimes soft and rather melodious

Transcription Notes:
Ф phi [[image: sketch of bird]]