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Ramphocelus, Feb. 18, 1962, IV        

the birds for a second. Then see female, apparently feeding in low shrubbery. Uttering occas. single NN. Male not visible. Then male suddenly flies to female from at least 10 ft away. Straight to back of female. Utters several ФR's in flight. One right after other. Hovers over back female. Apparently trying to  mount. Female doesn't let him. Male flies away. Silent. Female follows. Perches beside male a second. No display. Female flies away. Male sits and immediately starts to utter TssN's! 7:45am

[[image]] Posture male retreating from female. 
Tail probably lower. Semi-crouch???  
Wings spread?

A supplants Sangres. Twice. Each time preceded by a sort of head forward crouch threat posture (without G?) like the posture of the Orange-rump I sketched in N Y. 8:03.

Group of 3 or 4 juvs or female YR's (A's group) moving through bushes. Quite close together. Apparently uttering lots of R's. These apparently same as ФR's. Then a real fight between 2 of these females or juvs. Tumbling down to ground. Apparently silent!!

Family of Sangres is definitely following this group of YR's 8:10 a.m. Then, a few minutes later, separate and go in opposite directions.

Transcription Notes:
[[image: sketch of bird with arrows pointing to back, to wing and away from tail]]