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Ramphocelus, I        

19 February 1962        
Rio Piedras

Arrive A area 6:15 a.m. All YR's quite silent. 

I  YR's first heard 6:30. Loud hoarse, harsh "PN"s, followed immediately by NN's, Ф's, more hoarse PN's, and rather harsh TssN's. Eventually settling down to series of TssN's [[image]] All rather harsh (I think that all TssN's are always harsh). Can't see bird. Presumably A. Silent again 6:33.

I  Back calling variety of calls almost immediately. TssN's, NN's, and Ф's. Definitely a male uttering them. Again presumably A. Other YR's occasionally utter NN's in background 6:40.

II  A male (A?) sitting quite near female or juv. Uttering NN's single soft TssN's, in irregular alternation. Ordinary sitting posture. Wings drooped. Back conspicuous. Then female or juv. flies away. Male immediately utters louder TssN's, then 1 Ф, then follows female or juv. 6:44. Sits on high perch. Uttering series TssN's, interrupted by occasional Ф. Sitting rather erect. Looking from side to side. This is definitely A. Wings not drooped.

I  Then flies to another perch. Nearer me. Uttering both types PN's, TssN's, Ф's, occas. NN. Again sitting erect. Wings not drooped or only slightly. 6:50.

II  When A was sitting near female or juv. with wings drooped, earlier, his back was not pointed straight toward female or juv., but it must have been visible to her/him).

Correction: There are 2 males vocalizing in this area. 50 ft

Transcription Notes:
Ф [[phi symbol]] [[image: horizontal lines showing series of TssN's]]