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Ramphocelus, I      
March 14, 1962             
Rio Piedras

Watching birds up river at dawn.
6:35 a.m. Male Yellow-rump flies to branch on which 2 females or juv's are perched. Lands about 2 ft away. He stands with wing droop, extreme Back R, uttering soft (very soft) R or ФR. The female or juv nearest to him goes into quite extreme posture, St (bill pointed diagonally upward, tail steeply diagonally upward, tail spread at same time breast lowered). Wings not (not is underlined) spread or Q'd, breast and belly feathers not greatly fluffed or ruffled. Quite silent. Maintains posture for several seconds. The other female or juv. does nothing. Then the latter flies away. A few seconds later the posturing female or juv. flies away, followed immediately by the male.
I am beginning to think that BU-TU postures of this type must inhibit the male!!!

Ramphocelus, I          
March 15, 1962
Rio Piedras

7:20 a.m. Come across male Yellow-rump. Sitting high and exposed. Uttering single soft "Klioo" Notes at regular and rather long intervals. Notes whistled,slightly plaintive, quite pleasant. Bill sometimes OCB with notes; sometimes not. Posture like usual TssN Posture. This bird flies to another perch. Continues uttering "Klioo"s as before. Then utters a few TssN's. Then more "Klioo"s. With slight wing droop and Back R. Then a few loud hoarse and wiry PN's. Then flies away, following a couple of flying females or juvs.

Transcription Notes:
Ф phi