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Ramphocelus, Mar. 26, 1962, III           

where not bounded by the territory of a rival. May be at least 300 or 400 ft across. Often narrow. Including at least one area of favorable scrub (with trees for stations)and long stretches of unfavorable open, grassy, areas.

6:55. ♂ A utters quite a lot of Ф's with moderate ФR's with little or no Back R.

♂ D sits with extreme Back R and Wing droop, without uttering a sound, facing away from a ♀ or juv., feeding in the same tree.

What are the causal differences between Back R and couple to Ф's ????

♂ D was also facing away from a large pigeon in same tree when he was in silent Back R. Does Back R contain stronger escape component than Ф's? (Viz also ♂'s retreating from ♀'s with Back R). Back R must at least be less aggressive than ФR's and/or R's.

♂ D sitting in tree. Silent. ♀ feeding about 10 ft away. Then ♀ flies away.  ♂ immediately begins to utter TssN's. Sitting in erect posture, no Back R, breast and belly definitely fluffed. Sometimes (not always) his body jerks visibly as he utters TssN's. Several times, he also performed rapid and slight but definite WF as he uttered TssN. This might be origin of more conspicuous wing movements of BCBT's during Dawn Calling!

Everything very quiet now 7:15.

♂ A suddenly pounces on displaying Volatinia. (I.E. Black releases attack!) Flies away with R or ФR.

Transcription Notes:
es at beginning are last two letters for distances on previous page