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Ramphocelus, Apr. 28, 1962, IV.            

type patterns may also have been accompanied by G.) Female moves away, but not hurriedly. 

8:53 Male hopping around female. Twice utters (RR-NN)-RR-R. Without G. Also does a lot of BW. Then sits with back toward female, with extreme Back R. Silent. Then female flies away. Male relaxes.

Male again utters jumbled burst of NN's, RR's, & R's, and all intermediates, near female. Didn't see details of this. Male flies away immediately afterwards. Then utters RR-R-eeyah when landing beside female again. No other display. Both birds then sit silently. Female does BW (but I think she has just been eating.

Female lands beside male, 8:58. He advances toward her. Uttering "fluctuating" R's, repeatedly. Some RR quality in some of the fluctuations. Female flies away. Male BW's silently. (His R's were probably accompanied by some fluffing, at least of under parts, but I couldn't see it well. No G with the R's).

Female lands near male again 9:00 a.m. Male utters ruffled notes. Very GHAC like (possibly only peculiarly modified ruffled RR's). No G. No response by female. Both birds just sit. Female preens. Male suddenly hops to female, uttering RR-R-RR. Male turns and jabs at him with her bill. Silent. No G. Male immediately turns around and retreats a foot. Then he stretches one wing out sideways. Typical comfort movement in form. Female goes back to preening. Then male preens. Then he suddenly hops toward her again. Utters brief RR-brief RR-R. Female turns & jabs at him again. He retreats & sits.

These brief RR's ,might be transcribed as "Rah". Very HAC-like!!! Could be described as buzzy and hoarse.

Female preening quietly 9:10. Male sitting in upright posture about