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Ramphocelus, May 4, 1962, III

Things quieting down by 6:20 a.m. Old male flying about, generally ignoring new. Sitting silently in unritualized posture when perched between flights. New male usually sits in extreme FH when perched. As before, except that his down feathers are noticeably flattened.

[[image - sketch of bird]]

In this FH, the yellow back feathers seem to be ruffled or fluffed, but they are never conspicuous. Either covered by wings or exposed only very slightly. Never more exposed than in this drawing.  The female usually utters R or "HAC" type "RR", with or without G, whenever she happens to come close to the New male.

The Old male sometimes utters R and/or ΦR when the New male moves.

6:30 a.m. Female and Old male flying abut more or less together. Usually silent. Old male sometimes utters brief R, facing female, when landing near her. But no "RR" or "HAC" type notes. Why???  Because the female is obviously not in sexual mood???

New male usually sitting some distance apart from the other 2 birds. But sometimes supplants Old male!!! Without display.  Except that New male is usually in FH while perched.

6:45. Things duller yet. All 3 birds more or less ignoring one another. New male still shows tendency to assume FH Postures, but these are usually less extreme than before. Once