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Ramphocelus, May 4, 1962, IV

the old male lands beside new male, utters rapid, wavering, R- "Eeyuh" - R - Eeyuh," with back R. Then old male flies away immediately. 

The old male and/or the female utter(s) brief "HAC" when one bird lands beside the other 6:51.

The FH posture of the new male certainly seems to be an effective signal. The old male and the female are approaching him much less frequently now than they did earlier.

6:55 a.m. Both males utter occasional TssN's when they fly about the cage. Old male (and possibly the new male?) also utter occasional NN's.

7:00 a.m. Pecking dispute between female and new male. Female does G. First with HAC, then silent (probably with some OCB). Notice that HAC has absolutely no rattle undertone. A single note. (This species probably utters series of HAC notes relatively less frequently, in comparison to single notes, than all or most related species.)

7:06 Real aerial fight between new male and female. Lots of pecking. Birds tumble down to ground accompanied by another single HAC note, without rattle undertone.

Leaving 7:10 a.m.

COMMENT: I think my use of the term [[?]] in many of my descriptions may have been loose. Many of the [[?]]s recorded probably did not begin with a single emphatic note.