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INDEX  Ramphorelus dimidiatus  Thru June 21, 1961

with G; 5. By relatively aggressive birds; 4. Most extreme at instant of attack; 6.

Description; 5,6,12. Silent; 6. With [[Gslss?]]; 5,6,9,10.  Sketch, with [[Gslss?]]; 5. Sketch, with crouch; 12. Intergrading with "MCN"s; 14.
Aggressive; 5. Lower intensity than "MCN"s?; 12.

Description; 1,2,5,16,52,56,58,59,65,66,71,77,80,81. Resemble HCN's other species; 5. Associated with "MCN"s; 20. Before "Keeyoo"s at dawn; 56
General comment; 2,6,18,63,65

Description; 11,20,51,52,56,58,59,69,71,77,81. By females; 64. By juveniles; 69. Usually by adult males, 50. Combined with WhN's, 81. Before "Keeyoo"s at dawn, 56. Intergrading with "Keeyoo"s; 59. 
General comment; 63,65. Not hostile; 17. Used to call in mate; 18.

ACN-PCN "Song".
By solitary adult males; 16, 52, 65. By sexually motivated, paired male; 58, 59, 60. Before copulation intention movements; 61.
General comment motivation; 61.

Description; 62, 63, 65. APCN "Song"; 63. General discussion; 63.

By juvenile male's.
Description; 15, 19, 32. Sketch of accompanying posture; 32. Combined with "Keeyoo"s; 19. Combined with "MCN's; 19, Combined