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Note on Yellow-rumped Tanager - to Jan. 15, 1962.

My early observations of this species indicate that its repertory includes the following:

1. Nasal Notes ("NN"s) Uttered by all types of birds.

2. Plaintive Notes: "Tseet"s. Uttered by all types of birds.

3. Single Tss Notes. Only heard in wild. Possibly uttered on by by adult females and/or juvs. Obviously closely related to PN's intergrades with PN's. Possibly homologous with "Trit"s of BCBT's.

4. Series of Tss Notes. Only heard in wild. Possibly uttered only by adult males. Usually series of 3 or 4 notes. Last note usually lower than first notes. Last note possibly transitional to NN.

These series intergrade with (?)'s. Last note may be a brief (?)R. Some (?) performances may be nothing more than lengthened and accelerated series of Tss Notes.

This pattern may be strictly homologous with Flourish ("S") of Brown-capped Bush Tanager.

It may be used as Dawn Calling.

5. (?) One emphatic note, followed by (?)R. First note may be nothing more than a typical Tss Note. (?)R may be followed by NN or NN-like note.

Only heard in wild. Possibly uttered only by adult males.