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Pezopetes, Mar. 27, 1960, II

bird we watched yesterday afternoon utter as it suddenly flew away from us.)

I think that this species must be more or less the "equivalent" of the Chestnut-capped Altapetes lower down the mountain. Very silent, staying on or near the ground, and  apparently not following the mixed flocks.

The "nervous" bird we watched this morning had a lot of TF-ing and WF-ing. The WF's of this species are certainly much more extreme than those of all or most other bush finches. The bird this morning also had pronounced CR. So the CR of this species is also an indication of alarm and/or general hostility.

[[image - sketch of a bird]]
CR & WF & TF & (fanning)

The bird we watched yesterday did lots of "flight intention movement bowing" (see yesterday's notes on Prilliophius)(?)

Pezopetes, I     

March 29,1960
Cerro Punta

I watched a pair of Bigfoots feeding on the forest floor for quite a long while. More or less undisturbed by me.

Their method of feeding is quite distinctive. They are hoppers