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Dacnis, I 
March 7, 1958
Barro Colorado
Looked up into a tree-top to find what seemed to be a dispute in progress between 2 male Blue Dacnises. The 2 birds were flitting around from twig to twig, posturing briefly between flits. It was very noticeable that they didn't do any flicking of any kind during this performance!! The postures between flits were a form of St More or less comme ça. I only caught a brief glimpse of this performance, but I couldn't detect any sound or any fluffing or ruffling, (there was certainly no gfluff of any sort.) It was noticeable that a bird going into the St always tended to face its opponent. i.e. showing off the black throat, as in the male Shining Honey creeper.

[[image - sketch of bird]]       

It was my impression that the bird tended to go into the [[Lt?]] with a comparatively rapid & vigorous movement so that the whole thing almost looked like a form of [[Head-tars?]]. Could this possibly be related to the "curtsying" of the Swallow-tanager described by Schaefer????

Dacnis, I  

June 22, 1958
Barro Colorado

Watching a dispute, apparently between a [[male symbol]] Blue Dacnis (with his [[female symbol]] sitting peacefully nearby) and a male Green Honeycreeper. The [[male symbol]] Dacnis repeatedly alternated a [[Lt?]] Posture, like the one