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 Darnis, (? underlined)                16
                 Mar. 12, 1961, VIII 

encounter between the B's this morning. Both birds tended to have the breast and belly feathers slightly to moderately fluffed much of the time, but I was unable to determine if this fluffing was ritualized or not.
  Every once in a while, one of the birds would ruffle or fluff the black back feather a little. (a and little are underlined). But again I was unable to determine if this was significant.
  Q (?)was quite absent this morning. Only twice did the male droop his wings appreciably. Both times in high Lt.(?) Posture. The absence of Q in such situations is a remarkable difference from the behavior of (?).
   Darnis, (? underlined) I March 13, 1961
                            Barro Colorado

  I kept the B birds apart today, but watched them from time to time during the morning.
  Male B uttered one Song this morning shortly after dawn,just after he woke up. in a perfectly unritualized sitting posture. His Song was more or less like the Songs I heard yesterday, except that it began with a long series of at least 8 rather CN-like notes. These CN-like notes appeared to be more or less definitely organized into doublets. More or less comme ca: "Zee-zee-zee-zee-zee...."
  Then he sat in a very fluffed posture (see drawing on next page) and uttered lots of single ordinary-sounding CN's. "Trit...Trit....Trit....." Quite loud (probably slightly  louder than all or most Songs) and rapid. I noticed that the bill opened, widely, and loud with each note.
  Then the male uttered another Song phrase, while he continued to sit in the same very fluffed posture. This phrase might possibly be transcri-