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Aramides cajauea, June 17, 1960, V.

I forgot to mention that some of the calls of these chicks are accompanied by obviously ritualized movements. Most of them are not accompanied by any special movements of any sort. I did notice, however, that some,but not all, of the LC Notes are accompanied by some slight upward raising of the head & neck.

Aramides cajauea, I

June 18, 1960
Barro Colorado

The birds seem to be doing well. They are feeding from the floor of their cage from time to time, although most of the time I have to hold their food in tweezers. I have only had to force-feed one bird (U) a couple of times.

I think that their calls today were exactly the same as yesterday, in similar circumstances, but my classification of these calls, as set out in yesterday's notes, very well have been slightly wrong or misleading.

My identification & description of the P and LC patterns yesterday would seem to be correct. The problem involves the "AlCN"s.

I became aware that my treatment of the "AlCN"s yesterday was probably wrong when I tried some experiments with all four birds tonight I tried four experiments with each bird (while each bird was isolated). I. I handled each better rather roughly - holding it in my hand, turning it on its back, and jiggling it up and down. II. I also let each bird stand quietly by itself, far away from me and completely isolated from its fellow, for several minutes. III. I also frightened each bird by stamping my foot, suddenly (and sometimes repeatedly) near it. IV. Finally I tried poking each bird repeatedly (while it stood or ran on the floor).

As a result of these simple tests, I am fairly sure that the notes