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Aramides cajauea, June 18, 1960, III

I called "AlCN"s yesterday really include 2 distinct types of vocalizations.

One is a rather harsh, relatively loud "chirp" note. Uttered singly or in doublets (possibly triplets in some cases?)

The second is composed of much softer and more melodious short notes. Quite like P Notes in general tone. Also uttered in series of apparently indeterminate length (always including at least 5 or 6 notes?) But these series are much more rapid than the series of typical P Notes (each note presumably being somewhat shorter than a typical P Note - and much more rapidly repeated.) The general effect of these series is twittering or trilling. I shall call this pattern "Trll".

All 4 birds I tested tonight uttered LC Notes when isolated. But different birds reacted rather differently to the other tests. As follows:

U. Gave a few "chirps" when handled roughly. Then uttered Trll's and/or P Notes when frightened and when poked.

WH. Also gave "chirp's" when handled roughly. Then uttered definite Trlls both when frightened and when poked.

WR. Uttered "chirp"s when handled, and also when frightened and poked immediately after being handled. Then, after being left unmolested for a minute or so, uttered both Trll's and P Notes when frightened and poked again.

WH. Rather more distinctive in behavior. Remained quite silent when when first handled. Still remained silent when I poked it repeatedly, still holding it in my hand. Then I put if down on the floor and frightened it repeatedly. All it did was run away, apparently still silent. Then I started poking it. It responded to this by uttering P Notes, and then, as my poking continued, Trll's. Then I picked it up and handled it again- whereupon it uttered "chirp"s!!