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Aramides cajauea, June 22, 1960, II

[[?]] that it uttered three harsh chirps, it made very extreme escape movements. Running away from me madly. I let is rest a few minutes, and then start to poke it again. This time, it uttered a few extreme chirps, followed by some not very extreme Trill's (the notes of their Trills were not very accelerated, somewhat like series of Peep Notes), and made less frantic efforts to escape. I stopped poking the bird, and then tried to frighten it. It did not seem to be greatly impressed by most of my attempts. Remained silent most of the time, but finally uttered one Trill. Later on I gave it a chance to follow me. Although it only followed very occasionally, it did utter Peeps when it did so.

WH. Remained quite silent when isolated. Then uttered Peeps as greeting. I kept it isolated for some minutes more, until, finally, it did utter a few LC Notes, occasionally interspersed with rather harsh, chirp-like, peep Notes. Then it uttered Trills when poked. Also uttered Trills when frightened. Later on,it uttered Peeps when following

WB. Remained quite silent for a long time after being isolated. Then finally uttered a few LC Notes. Then it uttered a few LC Notes as greeting. Later on, it uttered Peeps as greeting. When handled, it also remained silent for quite a long while. Finally uttered 1 chirp and several Peeps when I continued to handle it. It would not follow me well, but did utter Peeps whenever it followed at all. When I frightened it, it uttered one chirp and then remained silent.

U Like the other birds, U remained silent for a long time when isolated, and then uttered a few LC notes. Uttered Peeps as greeting. It also tried to jump out of the isolation box repeatedly. It always uttered loud chirps as it did so. (This might be a very good indication that the chirps are distress notes rather than expressions of hostility.) This bird allowed me rather well, uttering Peeps as it did so. It