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Aramides cajauea, July 5, 1960, III

Some of these SC's were accompanied by a variety of Peeps, apparent by also Greeting; but others may have been largely or completely silent.

All the Greeting Peeps, both with and without SC, were quite irregular. Some short and soft Peeps were uttered in accelerated series, almost like Trills. These were intermingled with longer and more plaintive Peeps, like those uttered by all the birds when they are together in their cage.

This bird wouldn't follow me at all, at first. It just [[iau?]] straight away from me. It uttered variable and irregular servies of Peeps as it [[iau?]] away (I couldn't hear their Peeps well, but I think that all oe most of them tended to be silent and soft) After a while, however, the bird did follow me for a short distance. It uttered a rapid series of short soft Peeps as it did so. Then it stopped Immediately became silent and ck'd twice. Sign of "indecision"? Then it followed me again Again uttering rapid series of short soft Peeps. Stopped again. Performed 4 ck movements, one right after the other, apparently silently Then starts to follow me again, as before.

It uttered a lot of chirps when I started to poke it. These were intermingled with quite a lot of rather obscure soft short notes. Probably not very distinct Trills. Hardly distinguishable from accelerated series of short soft Peeps

When I tried to frighten the bird, by stomping my foot next to it, it usually responded by running away. Sometimes silently. Sometimes with chirps. Sometimes with fairly soft and short, not particularly distinctive, Peeps.

From time to time, during this period of our experimenting, the bird was left alone and unmolested on the floor. Every once in a while, under these circumstances, it would perform an [[Lh?]] when standing