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Aramides cajauea, July 5, 1960 IX   

adults of this species are certainly very aggressive.

Neither of the birds I tested tonight performed ck Movements during the periods I watched them. Why?

Aramides cajauea, I 

July 7, 1960
Barro Colorado

This evening I let all the birds run around loose on the floor of the animal house for at least a half hour. Just to see what they would do. They did not behave very differently from when they are in their cage, except for the fact that they ran more - presumably because they had more room in which to run. I  noticed only a few interesting reactions.

None of the birds performed any ck Movements at any time. This is quite surprising.

Several of them did, however, perform a tail movement which I had not seen before. A (?) vertical TF - always D-U. Sometimes this occurred by itself alone. At other times, it developed into TW. Perhaps it is nothing more than the lowest intensity intention movement of TW.

The birds uttered almost or completely the same range of peeps while they were free on the floor as when confined in their cage. Mostly undistinctive peeps and PP when standing still or moving very little, mostly RP when running.

Once,they all spent quite a lot of time chasing & pecking at the same insect. This was accompanied by lots of rapid, short, soft peeps. Some of this peeping was certainly RP. Part of it, however, was even more rapid. Seemed to be perfectly typical trills(?) !!!

It is possible that these trills were an indication of party aggressive