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Aramides cajauea,  August 5, 1960, III  

Quite silent. Without ck Movements at first. Then performed a whole series of ck Movements, one right after the other, still silent.

Then I chased it a little. It uttered rapid RP and a few chirps as it ran away.

Then put into isolation box. Began to utter soft LC notes immediately.
Then uttered chirps and bursts of RP2 when I put my hand into the box, both types of notes being uttered while the bird was in an extreme SC posture.

I withdrew my hand, and the bird started to utter loud LC notes.

When we put the bird on the ground, and I poked it. It responded by uttering chirps and real extreme, trills!!!

Went into silent SC when first approached. Then uttered several chirps, and 1 perfectly typical LC note (from perfectly to note are underlined) when handled!!

Put into cage by itself. Walks around, performing lots of ck Movements. Quite silent.

When approached, it ran away uttering [[?]] AlP's and then chirps.

Then put in isolation box. Remains silent, and flies out within 5 seconds.

Then I chased it on the ground for quite a while. Ran away, uttering occasional chirps, but no RP or trills. Then uttered chirps when poked. Again, no RP or trill

Runs away, silently, when first approached.

Remains silent at first when handled, but eventually utters